Forum Discussion

Barry Briggs's avatar
Barry Briggs
Copper Contributor
Aug 07, 2023

Audit Log/ Mixed Tenancy

Question about how Audit Logs work with mixed E5/E3 tenancies. 


1) For events that are only supported by E5, for example MailItemsAccessed, does the Audit Log record such events only for those users that have E5 license? If that is the case, does that mean that the decision to log is made at the user-context level and not by the log; i.e., the log simply writes whatever it's told to? (I understand that MailItemsAccessed may be added to E3-level tenancies, but interested how the Log works.) 

2) Following up on that, in a mixed E5/E3 tenancy, how does retention work. Does the Log selectively purge based on user license level or does the log support the highest of all levels in the tenancy (for example, if one user is E5, does the whole Log support E5 retention or just for that user)? 



