Forum Discussion

felipesbarros's avatar
Copper Contributor
Mar 05, 2023

Microsoft Monitoring Agent being reinstalled by Automanage

As MMA (Microsoft Monitoring Agent) will be retired on August 2024 I decided to go AMA (Azure Monitoring Agent) right away, even though it is known some of its functionalities still on preview.

So I uninstalled MMA via script below (with a foreach targeting all my machines), I also assigned Azure policies to not have MMA installed on my environment and all the policies for self-configuring AMA (DCRs, Workspaces, etc).




$app = Get-WmiObject -ClassName Win32_Product | Where-Object { $.name -eq "Microsoft Monitoring Agent" }





Problem is my machines were reinstalling MMA out of the blue. So I went all the way down to hunt the culprit of doing that: GPO, SCCM, Scripts, you name it. I finally found out Azure Automanage was the one reinstalling MMA so I had to disable it from my environment. 


Are any of you aware of this issue? 


Most important: is there a way to have Automanage working without reinstalling MMA?


In my case Automanage helps a lot as I don't need to apply lots and lots of settings manually but as it is reinstalling MMA I cannot enable it.

senagangbe alexandredebargis 

  • felipesbarros 


    Unfortunately, (at the time of writing) there isn't a way to avoid the installation of the Microsoft Monitoring Agent (MMA) when using automanage.

    The services supported by automanage (Azure Automation, Change Tracking, AntiMalware,...), still require the older MMA agent. 


    I personally hope that Microsoft comes with a solution for this very soon.
