Forum Discussion

AB21805's avatar
Bronze Contributor
Jun 08, 2023

Logic app designer - Task automation

Hi all,


I need to configure the logic app which is premade to start and also power down VM. 


I would like my VM to Start up in mornings during weekdays and not at all on weekends


I would like my VM to Stop in evenings during week days and stop all day on Weekends


Is this possible ?

  • AB21805 


    Yes, its possible.

    - After creating new Logic apps go to -> Logic app designer.

    - On Templates section click on Blank Logic App to create your first workflow.

    Type Schedule on Search bar

    - Click on Schedule. The Trigger option will appear and then select Recurrence.

    You can choose what you want regarding the time.

    for the action:

    - On Search type Azure VM and select Deallocate virtual machine => The option will stop the VM and then will deallocate.


    You can use also Azure automation ,both approaches should helpful.



