Forum Discussion
How to get the real time monitoring from OMS.
Hi Prashant,
Since OMS uses KQL which is very rich so we can do monitoring but when it comes to real time then we have check. As OMS has official SLA to send data is 6 hours but we can view data within 5~15 minutes. So exact real time monitoring Like SCOM is not possible.
However we can monitor our stuff with the help of OMS+Azure monitor to create alert and monitor core metrics of VMs and application.
Here is a blog by reading this you will have idea, how you can monitor using OMS
Just go through this, they have explained from head to toe.
Hope this helps :)
Hi Gaurav,
Thanks for reply,
Gaurav alert rule in Log search will not working, and this will not beneficial for us, if there is any other service on azure that will provide the real time monitoring of the virtual machines. you can see the screenshots, i want like this.