Forum Discussion
Admin O365
Jul 11, 2019Brass Contributor
Can Azure Key Vault be used for entire Subscription with multiple applications using the same?
Looking for suggestions, to under if AKV should be used one per application or or one AKV for one subscription
Jul 22, 2019Iron Contributor
Admin O365 Hello,
Yes, you can use a single Azure KeyVault to be used in several Subscriptions, this might be one Scenario. This might be confusing at some point, so maybe you split your different KeyVaults and separate them by Subscription or Application. This depends on how your Company might adapt the Cloud and cut the Subscriptions, Resource Groups and so on. Generally, within one Tenant, nearly all can be used over Subscription Borders, but always keep in mind growing and complexity.
Hope i could help a bit.
Kind Regards, Peter