Forum Discussion

fmartindelc's avatar
Copper Contributor
Aug 27, 2024

Business Central OnPrem

I have a customer who is moving from NAV OnPrem to BC OnPrem. They have several companies and will be migrating them during time. The question is for how long this customer can have both licenses working on production mode. We estimate they will need to have both environments under production for around six months until they have all companies moved to Business Central.

  • fmartindelc I don't know anything about what you are asking, but I have asked internally in hopes I can get connected with someone that does. Stand by! 

  • dfkconsult's avatar
    Brass Contributor



    these are a couple of questions at once. I think what you mean is the time were Nav and BC should be used in parallel after GoLive. It sounds to be a quite big implementation, so the main point is a very good planning, the poject management.


    The parallel usage is in some cases possible or even needed, if the BC implementation of the first company is not fully ready or they do not trust BC till same environments deliver exactly the same data and output. But ... normally that is the test stage, these things are done in test envoronments which where copied from the last production environment.


    There is much more to say about that. If you are interested i can assist in that project. 


    Simply send me a private message to discuss more, visit my homepage or contact via Mail.


    regards Franz
