Forum Discussion
Sharepoint list update is not working sometimes
- Feb 09, 2023
Do I understand the situation in your application right?
1. You have a form with a linked Sharepoint list as recordsource.
2. From within this form with a button or sth you are trying to update several records of the same list with your DAO.Execute statement.
3. You get error 3218 and you think it occurs for the currently active record in the form.
If that's correct then I would
a) not do a Refreshlink for the list or Refresh on the form in every iteration of the loop where you do the Execute.
b) try if the updates work when you disconnect the form from the list while executing the update statement. Just as a hard test if the form is the culprite:
Me.Recordsource = ""
For i = 0 To UBound(arr_iID) - 1
CurrentDb.Execute "Update shp_tblName set Bestätigung_um = '" & Now & "' where ID = " & arr_iID(i), dbFailOnError
Next iMe.Recordsource = "shp_tblName"
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Are you on Windows 11 by chance?
I ask because I just got off the phone with someone who reported similar sounding "disruptions" to Sharepoint 365 for about 3 months, and according to him only on the Windows 11 systems. On the Win10 machines, everything works as it has for years.
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no i am not using Windows 11, it is Windows 10. As the connection is also not getting lost, but the recordsets get locked, after second, third time it works.