Forum Discussion
Report as Fillable Form
I want to create a report that I can send to a client with fillable form spaces. Is this possible?
I'm creating a report of work for contract bids and I want to be able to streamline the work description and photos from my database while still allowing the contractor to enter their bid amount and send back to me.
- George_HepworthSilver Contributor
Yes, and no. Mostly no.
Access Reports are not "fillable" and even if you "sent" one, it would have to be sent as, perhaps, a PDF.
If you need data collection, though, there are ways to do that, perhaps as an Excel worksheet that the client completes and emails back. You can then import the data from that xlsx file.
You ONLY need the bid amount from the contractor? Ask for that data point as a separate request, perhaps accompanying the PDF of the incomplete report.
I also know that you can create fillable forms in PDFs, although I think you might need the full Acrobat application to do that.
I think the simplest approach is, as I suggested, an XLSX workbook with the report information and one unlocked cell into which they can enter the bid amount and return it to you.