The blogs explains how to securely encrypt the blobfuse2 configuration file.
The blobfuse2 functionality is used to mount Azure Storage Account as file system on Linux machine. To establish the connection with storage account via blobfuse2 and to authenticate the request against the storage account, we make use of configuration file for it. The configuration file contains the storage account details along with the container to be mounted and what mode of authentication to be used. The configuration yaml file includes parameters for blobfuse2 settings.
In general, the details saved in configuration file are in plain text. Hence, if any users access the configuration file, they would be able to access the sensitive information related to the storage account, like for example, the storage account access keys and SAS token.
Let’s say that, as part of security reasons, you want to safeguard the configuration file from bad actors and prevent the leak of your storage account’s sensitive details. In such scenario, you can make use of blobfuse2 secure command for it.
Using blobfuse2 secure command, we can encrypt, decrypt, get or set details in the encrypted configuration file. We will be securing the configuration file using passphrase. Hence, do save the passphrase as it is needed for decrypt, get, set commands.
Note: At present, the configuration file encryption is available in blobfuse2 only.
Let us discuss in detail the blobfuse2 secure command and how we can mount the blobfuse2 using the encrypted config file.
For holistic view regarding the blobfuse2 secure command, in this blog, we have initially mounted blobfuse2 using plain text configuration file. The blobfuse2 mount was successful and to show the contains of configuration file, we have performed “cat” command. Please do refer to the below screenshot for the same.
Command used is:
sudo blobfuse2 mount ~/<mountpath_name> --config-file=./config.yaml
Create an encrypted configuration yaml file:
Let us secure the configuration file using blobfuse2 secure encrypt command. Performing “dir” command, we can see the configuration file before and after encryption. Please refer to the screenshot below for further details.
Command used is:
blobfuse2 secure encrypt --config-file./config.yaml -- passphrase={passphrasesample} --output-file=./encryptedconfig.yaml
Now, let us perform the blobfuse2 mount command using encrypted configuration file that we created using the above step. Refer to the screenshot below for further details.
sudo blobfuse2 mount ~/<mountpath_name> --config-file=./encryptedconfig.yaml --passphrase={passphrasesample} --secure-config
Note: Do note that, post the configuration file is encrypted, the original configuration file is deleted. Hence, if there is any blobfuse2 mount that was done prior to the encryption of the configuration file, ensure that the blobfuse2 mount is using the correct configuration file.
Fetch parameter from encrypted configuration file:
Let’s say that you want to get a particular parameter from the encrypted config file. Using “cat” command, if we see the details of the config file, the encrypted data will not be readable. Hence, we need to use blobfuse2 secure get command for the it. Perform “blobfuse2 secure get” command to get the details from the encrypted config file. Please refer to the screenshot below for further details.
Command used is:
blobfuse2 secure get --config-file=./encryptedconfig.yaml --passphrase={passphrasesample} --key=file_cache.path
Set parameter in encrypted configuration file:
In the encrypted configuration file, if you want to set any new parameter, we can use blobfuse2 secure set command to set the details. Please refer to the screenshot below for further details.
Command used is:
blobfuse2 secure set --config-file=./encrytedconfig.yaml --passphrase={passphrasesample} --key=logging.log_level --value=log_debug
Decrypt the configuration yaml file:
Now we know how we can encrypt the configuration file, let's understand how we can use the blobfuse2 secure command to decrypt the configuration file. Please refer to the screenshot below for further details.
Command used is:
blobfuse2 secure decrypt --config-file=./encryptedconfig.yaml --passphrase={passphrasesample} --output-file=./decryptedconfig.yaml
We can see the contents of the decrypted configuration file using “cat” command.
In this way, we can secure the config file used for blobfuse2 and meet our security requirement.
- If you face any issues with blobfuse2 troubleshooting, you can refer to the blog here: How to troubleshoot blobfuse2 issues | Microsoft Community Hub
- For blobfuse2 secure commands, you can refer to the link here: How to use the 'blobfuse2 secure' command to encrypt, decrypt, or access settings in a BlobFuse2 configuration file - Azure Storage | Microsoft Learn
Hope this article turns out helpful!
Happy Learning!
Updated Nov 28, 2024
Version 1.0ShraddhaSwadi
Joined December 23, 2019
Azure PaaS Blog
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