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What’s new in printing in Windows 10, version 1809

Ron_Martinsen's avatar
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Oct 04, 2018

Inbox print and scan drivers available through Windows Update

Starting with Windows 10, version 1809, inbox print and scan drivers have moved to Windows Update. Prior versions of Windows included basic printer drivers that enabled simple printing when a full feature driver was not available. To reduce the Windows footprint and provide more storage space to users, these drivers no longer ship with the OS and instead are available through Windows Update.

In most cases, there is no noticeable impact due to this change. Here is what will happen:

  • When you upgrade to Windows 10, version 1809, your installed printers will continue to work using the same printer driver as before.
  • When you install a new printer, and your Windows PC or Print Server has access to Windows Update, the correct driver is automatically downloaded and installed.
  • If you install a new printer when Windows Update is not available, a driver will not be automatically installed. In this case, Windows will install Mopria certified printers without requiring an external driver.

Windows supports Mopria printers

Starting with Windows 10, version 1809, Windows has added support for Mopria certified networked printers. When a driver is not available, Windows can install these printers without you needing to install any additional software or drivers.

Most modern Wi-Fi printers support the Mopria standard. Please consult the manufacturer’s website to determine whether your printer is compatible with the Mopria standard.

Additional resources

Here are some related resources that may be helpful:

If you have any questions about these changes, please leave a comment below or reach out to me and my colleague Klevin Nunes here on the Tech Community.


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Updated Oct 23, 2018
Version 4.0
  • dkosovic's avatar
    Copper Contributor



    Will the "Microsoft IPP Class Driver" for Mopria certified networked printers support IPP authentication in the future? It never prompts for credentials after receiving a "HTTP status 401: Access Denied", nor does it request the IPP 'uri-security-supported' attribute.





  • David_Laun's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Hi Ron,


    Is there a possibility to access those drivers via WSUS/SCCM?


    We have a large enterprise network, managed via SCCM and many users are used to "Plug&Play" for Printers, Scanners etc. (a lot of old models also).


    Our Clients do not have access to Windows Update directly, as they obtain all updates via SCCM/WSUS. It would be a step back, if those devices were not supported anymore with 1809.


    It would be great, if anyone could share info on this.


    Greetings, David

  • Hi Vadim,


    How much space did you actually save?

    120MB in total but some of that includes a few pilot binaries tested in the previous release. 




  • vsterkin's avatar
    Iron Contributor

    >To reduce the Windows footprint and provide more storage space to users

    How much space did you actually save? You should've calculated.

  • Hi Manu,


    You can get the class drivers you need from the Windows Update Catalog and use Print Management install them into the local driver store of your pre-staged device. 


    Please use expand -d <path><filename>.cab -f:*  to expand the cab package. For more info on expand.exe, click here.


    Finding the drivers can be a little tricky, so in this case if you search for "Canon Class Driver", you should find what you are looking for in the 3rd link. Search the INF files for the driver you are looking for (in this case, "Canon UFR II Color Class Driver"). 




  • Manu Herreman's avatar
    Manu Herreman
    Copper Contributor
    Hi Ron,
    I understand the decision to leave out inbox print drivers to lower the Win10 install base.
    But now I'm unable to pre-stage a printer when deploying a fresh OS install. I have a Powershell script that adds a PrinterPort, PrinterDriver and a Printer:
    Add-PrinterDriver -Name "Canon UFR II Color Class Driver"
    Add-PrinterPort -Name $PRNport"_Color" -PrinterHostAddress $PRNdns
    Add-Printer $PRN1 -DriverName "Canon UFR II Color Class Driver" -PortName $PRNport"_Color"
    Set-PrintConfiguration -PrinterName $PRN1 -PaperSize A4
    But now, the script fails at the first step 'Add-PrinterDriver -Name "Canon UFR II Color Class Driver"', because it can't find the inbox print driver anymore and it doesn't seem to fetch it from WindowsUpdate. We do direct printing on ip address to an external usb print server. I assume Windows doesn't 'recognize' the actual print device?
    Is there a way to fetch the (whatever) driver you want from WindowsUpdate to pre-stage a device?
    Kind regards,