I totally get it that you moved platforms and it's a publishing problem. But AT A GLANCE (without looking at the source file of the web site) tell me what KB number this is?
I lost two hours on an early Saturday morning when that patch "paused" my VMs and my domain controller wouldn't boot. Needless to say it sticks in my mind. But I can't visually see that KB number for it easily anymore.
Without looking in the meta data, if you were tasked to block that update or review if it's been installed in systems knowing that it had a detrimental impact in HyperV deployments and kicked bitlocker recovery keys when installed on certain laptops, could you determine the KB number easily from that page?
You've also removed the publishing date metadata so that it's way harder to - again - at a glance - know when a KB has been updated.
None of these changes make our jobs easier.