Early access, preview, beta, whatever you want to call it, joining the MSIX Packaging Tool Insider Program allows you to have access to new features in development that aren’t available to anyone else.
Its incredibly easy to join, all you have to do is sign up here. Once you’ve joined the program, you’ll get a welcome email with lots of useful information. We recommend checking out our documentation, and our Tech Community. We try to be open about what we are working on and planning to work on so that you can know what you are going to get from each release.
Benefits to joining the MSIX Packaging Tool Insider Program include:
Early access to new features
You can get access to new features in development months in advance, which allows you to test them out before anyone else. You can use them, give us feedback, and find any bugs we might’ve missed. By the time the feature is publicly available, you’ll be a pro at any new features!
The ability to help shape the product
While you do have the opportunity to provide feedback on anything about the tool at any time (and we encourage it!) being able to provide feedback while the feature is still in development is a great opportunity to make a difference before the feature is even released. We want you to take these new features and run them through the wringer so we can fix them and ensure that everything works as expected.
We hope you are as excited about MSIX and the MSIX Packaging Tool as we are. Join the program, connect with us, and be sure to give us feedback!
Sharla Akers (@shakers_msft)
Program Manager, MSIX
Updated Feb 01, 2023
Version 4.0ShakersMSFT
Joined May 08, 2018
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