Today, we are releasing an update ("hotfix") to our latest generally available version of Windows Admin Center! Windows Admin Center version 2103.2 is now generally available. Thank you to our custom...
The Scheduled update either went by without any update or Failed (I have experienced both). Extensions won't update until WAC is updated (not sure why there is a dependency there). See screen shots below.
I am on the following version running as "shared" on Server 2016:
I don't mind downloading and updating manually. The "Update available" used to take me to the download page (I think) but that doesn't seem to work (as I remember it). It just takes me back to the Settings -> Update page.
04-Jun-2021 13:22 (ET): I toggled the Automatically Update Windows Admin Center switch but that did not seem to have any effect. I also went directly on the server and connected as localhost but that did not seem to have any effect either. So, I downloaded and installed 2103.2 manually but if you need to investigate I can restore the VM prior to today.
I am leaving the Automatically update Windows Admin Center switch ON for now.
09-Jun-2021: @Prasidh_Arora 1. I did schedule updates for earlier but as I said in my original post, the time came and passed (multiple times) without an update or, in one case FAILED with no indication of why.
2. Why is an extension update dependent on a WAC update? It should either be allowed or say that it is "dependent" on a future WAC update. Maybe that is what it meant by the message but it's not clear to me.
3. Move of a VM from one cluster to another cluster fails. I am going to open a new feedback / comment for that however.