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Viva Insights ONA Change Management template now generally available!

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May 16, 2024

Today, we are excited to begin rolling out the Viva Insights Organizational Network Analysis (ONA) Change Management report template within the Viva Insights Analyst Workbench.


ONA analysis is a critical workplace analytics tool to help organizations better understand and improve how teams work together through collaboration, communication, change management, and more.


The Change Management template enables analysts to conduct in-depth analysis to help understand how major organizational changes, such as a re-organization, large scale transformation, or shift in work modes impact collaboration behavior.

Key features of the Viva Insights ONA Change Management template include:

• Ability to conduct before/after analysis where collaboration patterns after a change event can be compared to collaboration patterns before the change event to that any material changes in collaboration behavior can be easily deciphered

• Capability to conduct a breadth of analysis where information flow patterns can be diagnosed at both the group and sub-group levels

• Attain both a qualitative perspective via network visualizations and quantitative perspective via matrix/chart visualizations – this dual perspective fosters comprehensive diagnosis


For example, let us say your company recently underwent a reorganization. With the new ONA experience, an analyst can uncover insights such as:


• Are specific groups or business units now working more closely with each other, as was intended? If so, which ones, and what is the extent of the collaboration change?

• Are any groups now collaborating less with each other? If so, which ones, and how much less?

• How is the collaboration behavior of the individual group members contributing to the change (increase/decrease) in collaboration activities of the overarching group?

• Are any groups demonstrating an increased tendency towards within-group collaboration? If so, which groups?


Two categories of insights are surfaced within the experience: the first insights category is centered on Significant change in collaboration and the second insights category is focused on Showing signs of insularity. A 3rd category of insights focused on information brokers is coming soon.


The Significant change in collaboration insights category highlights groups which have witnessed significant changes in collaboration patterns following the change event. Analysts can use this insight category to analyze how collaboration has evolved (i.e., increased or decreased) across specific groups, as well as delve into how the collaboration behavior between subgroups within the larger groups has morphed. For example, within this insights category, analysts can not only analyze the changes in collaboration between the Product and Marketing groups before and after a reorganization, but the analyst can also dig a level deeper into examining how the collaboration between the sub-groups (for example: levels) that constitute the Product and Marketing groups have morphed.


Learn more about Significant change in collaboration insights.


The Showing signs of insularity insights category details which groups are connecting more within their own group than expected, as opposed to connecting with other groups outside their own group. This tendency toward within-group collaboration is referred to as “insularity.”


An increase in insularity for a group could mean that the group is at risk of becoming siloed from the rest of the organization, which could be a worrisome trend.


Learn more about Showing signs of insularity in collaboration insights.


Let us look at a few different views of the experience to see how these types of insights are visually presented.


1. Side-by-side network view. This view shows the changes in insularity for your selected network groups between the “before” time period on the left, and the “after” time period on the right. The inward-facing triangles within the Product Management and Sales groups identify those groups as showing insular collaboration tendencies.



2. Subgroup view for deeper analysis. When you select an individual group or node in the network view, you can see a breakdown of how the subgroups that constitute the overarching group contributed to the larger group’s overall collaboration activities. In this example, you can see the collaboration time that each of the sub-groups has contributed to the total collaboration time for the Sales group. The names of the sub-groups displayed below indicate manager group names, not individual employees. 



3. Matrix view for cross-group quantitative insights. With this view, analysts can get a more granular view of the collaboration changes between groups. Each cell in the matrix provides the percent increase or decrease in collaboration time between two groups for the chosen time period. In this example, the collaboration time between the Defense and Commerce groups increased by about 163 percent.



  1. Chart view for evaluating Insularity: The second insights category for insularity includes a chart view which provides insights on insular collaboration behavior i.e., which groups are connecting more than expected within their own groups. An increasing trend of insular collaboration behavior could result in the group becoming siloed which could impede the flow of information within an organization. In the scenario below, for instance, the Sales, HR, and G&A groups are tending towards more insular collaboration behavior, as denoted by the movement of their darker circles from right to left:



Learn more:

Uncover network collaboration insights | Microsoft Learn

Create change management queries | Microsoft Learn

Updated May 14, 2024
Version 1.0
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