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Because new devices and storage solutions continue to appear in the marketplace, the environments in which Microsoft® SQL Server™ runs have become extremely diverse. To ensure data integrity for our customers who are running SQL Server, it is important that I/O environments provide appropriate functionality.
The purpose of this paper is to explain the Input/Output (I/O) requirements for SQL Server database file operations so that vendors and customers can evaluate and adjust their environments to meet the needs of SQL Server.
Important When planning, deploying, and maintaining a Microsoft SQL Server installation, ensure that the I/O system supports all the factors outlined in this article.
Both Microsoft Knowledge Base and Microsoft SQL Server Books Online (BOL) contain many details related to SQL Server I/O operations. Links to information that is important to your understanding of the material covered in this paper are included where appropriate.
Important It is highly recommended that you fully review the referenced material before continuing with subsequent sections of this paper.
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