Share with confidence – both inside and outside your organization. When it comes to sharing, you must be mindful with whom you are sharing with, what you are sharing, and how you are sharing it. And technology must support the balance of productive collaboration alongside policy compliance.
This episode of The Intrazone brings two strong voices from the community to shed light on best practices of working with people internally and externally plus programmatic management of content. Joining us today are Richard Harbridge, CTO of 2toLead and David Lavenda, CPO of You’ll hear much of the “Yes, share with confidence, and here’s how…” from both Richard and David expert perspectives.
Tune in and be shared audio – with confidence!
Subscribe to The Intrazone podcast! And listen to episode 28 now.
The Intrazone is your bi-weekly conversation and interview podcast hosted by the Microsoft SharePoint team (
Left to right, top to bottom: Richard Harbridge – CTO (2toLead) [guest], David Lavenda – CPO ( [guest], Chris McNulty – senior product manager (SharePoint/Microsoft) [co-host], and Mark Kashman – senior product manager (SharePoint/Microsoft) [co-host].
Link to people, articles and resources mentioned in this episode
- The Intrazone Audience Survey
- 2toLead whitepaper “External sharing with Office 365"
- 2toLead whitepaper “Intranets with Office 365”
- ie FREE Office 365/SharePoint Summits events – twelve events worldwide
- Microsoft Tech Community
- Microsoft Ignite | The Tour (various cities worldwide throughout 2019)
- SharePoint Conference, May 21-23, 2019, Las Vegas, NV
- Use one of these speaker codes to get $50 off your registration fee; pick the speaker that you're most excited to see, use that code when you register to save yourself money and give them kudos to let them know you’re interested in what they're doing at #SPC19.
- SPS Events, Twitter @SPS_Events (various cities worldwide throughout 2019)
- North American Collaboration Summit, Branson, MO, March 14-15, 2019
- AIIM Conference, San Diego, CA, March 26-28, 2019 – reg code “MICROSOFT” gets you $100 off.
- SharePoint FestWashington, D.C. April 29 - May 3, 2019, Twitter @SharePointFest
- Microsoft Build 2019, May 6-8, 2019; Seattle, WA
- European Collaboration Summit, Wiesbaden, Germany, May 27-29, 2019
- Microsoft Business Applications Summit, Atlanta, GA, June 10-11, 2019
- ESPC, European SharePoint Conference, Office 365 & Azure Conference - December 2-5, 2019, Prague, Czech Republic
- SharePoint Twitter @SharePoint | website
- Richard Harbridge – Twitter @RHarbridge - @2toLead| website | LinkedIn
- David Lavenda – Twitter @DLavenda - @TeamHarmonie | website | LinkedIn
- Mark Kashman – Twitter @mkashman
- Chris McNulty – Twitter @cmcnulty2000
Subscribe today!
Listen to the show! If you like what you hear, we'd love for you to Subscribe, Rate and Review it on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts.
Be sure to visit our show page to hear all the episodes, access the show notes, and get bonus content. And stay connected to the SharePoint community blog where we’ll share more information per episode, guest insights, and take any questions from our listeners ( We, too, welcome your ideas for future episodes topics and segments via The Intrazone survey. Keep the discussion going in comments below; we’re hear to listen and grow.
Subscribe to The Intrazone podcast! And listen to episode 28 now.
Thanks for listening!
If you don’t share, what’s the point? The SharePoint team wants you to unleash your creativity and sharing superpowers throughout the year. We will do this, with confidence, one episode at a time.
Mark Kashman, senior product manager (Microsoft 365)
The Intrazone links
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The Intrazone, a show about the SharePoint intelligent intranet;
Updated Apr 02, 2019
Version 1.0Mark-Kashman
Joined June 24, 2016
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