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HOW TO: Include symbols in rich text editor in MOSS 2007

SPDev_Support's avatar
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May 01, 2019

First published on TECHNET on Sep 07, 2012

This post is a contribution from Jaishree Thiyagarajan, an engineer with the SharePoint Developer Support team.

Note: The below walk-through is based off of a publishing site.

We can include symbols in rich text editor in MOSS 2007 in just 3 easy steps.


Copy the image (symbol.jpg) to C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\Symbol (where *Symbol* is a new folder). [You can use any name for the image and the folder, but make sure to provide the correct path in Step3 below (line number 2 in the second code snippet below)].


Navigate to master page gallery.  Within editing menu folder, you can find RTE2ToolbarExtension.xml, update the file as shown below [ensure that you checkin and approve this file after the modification is done].

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>


<RTE2ToolbarExtraButton id="symbolInsertion" src="RTESymbolInsertion.js"/>



Create a javascript file named “RTESymbolInsertion.js” to C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\1033 and add the below script.


a. I have added 3 symbols to the array (line number 17 in the below code snippet) .  You can add many more symbols to the array.  The first parameter is the “symbol” & the second is the “tooltip”.

b. You can arrange the menu items in columns.  I have added the symbols in the first column (line number 23 in the below code snippet) .  The first parameter for the function RTE_DD_GenerateMenuItemScriptHtml is the column number.

1: RTE2_RegisterToolbarButton("symbolInsertion",

2: "_layouts/symbol/symbol.jpg",

3: "Symbols",

4: "Insert symbols",

5: SymButtonOnClick,

6: SymButtonOnResetState,

7: new Array());


9: function SymButtonOnClick(strBaseElementID, arguments) {


11: var docEditor = RTE_GetEditorDocument(strBaseElementID);

12: if (docEditor == null) { return; }


14: var selectedRange = docEditor.selection.createRange();


16: //Array of symbols

17: var symbols = [['\u00A9', 'Copyright'], ['\&#151;', 'Emdash'], ['\&#174;', 'Rights']];

18: p = symbols.length;


20: var sHTML = RTE_DD_GenerateMenuOpenHtml();


22: for (i = 0; i < p; i++) {

23: sHTML = sHTML + RTE_DD_GenerateMenuItemScriptHtml("1", i, "var docEditor = RTE_GetEditorDocument('" + strBaseElementID + "'); var s=docEditor.selection.createRange();s.text='" + symbols[i][0] + "';RTE_DD_CloseMenu();", symbols[i][0], symbols[i][1], "", "", "");

24: }


26: sHTML = sHTML + RTE_DD_GenerateMenuCloseHtml();

27: RTE_DD_OpenMenu(strBaseElementID, "symbolInsertion", sHTML, "1");

28: return true;

29: }


31: // The method that is called when the button's state is reset.

32: function SymButtonOnResetState(strBaseElementID, arguments) {


34: var docEditor = RTE_GetEditorDocument(strBaseElementID);

35: if (docEditor == null) { return; }


37: if (!RTE2_PopupMode(strBaseElementID)) {

38: RTE_RestoreSelection(strBaseElementID);


40: }

41: if (!RTE2_IsSourceView(strBaseElementID)) {

42: RTE_TB_SetEnabledFromCondition(strBaseElementID, true, "symbolInsertion");

43: return true;

44: }

45: else {

46: RTE_TB_SetEnabledFromCondition(strBaseElementID, false, "symbolInsertion");

47: }

48: }

Once this is done, I can edit my publishing page (screen shots are from a collaboration site where publishing feature is enabled) and point to a content section I want to edit.  This will bring up the rich text editor.  I’ll be able to see the new menu strip and the symbols I added will be usable.

More Information

Some details about the functions used.

1. RTE2_RegisterToolbarButton : Used to register new Button to RTE

2. SymButtonOnClick : This method will be called when you click the Symbol image/button

3. SymButtonOnResetState : The method is called when the button's state is reset

4. RTE_DD_GenerateMenuOpenHtml : This method will construct the opening tag for menu.

5. RTE_DD_CloseMenu: This method will close the curent menu which is in open state

6. RTE_DD_GenerateMenuItemScriptHtml: This method expects “menu html” as the parameter. This will dynamically constructs the menuhtml with all necessary  functions (such as onclick,onmouseover,onmouseout) included.

7. RTE_DD_GenerateMenuCloseHtml : This method will construct the closing tag for menu

8. RTE_GetEditorDocument : This method will return the textarea of the editor.

9. RTE2_PopupMode : This method will return “true” when the editor is in popupmode

10. RTE2_IsSourceView: This method will return “true” when the editor is in HtmlSourceView

11. RTE_RestoreSelection: This method will restore the selected text in selection state.

12. RTE_TB_SetEnabledFromCondition: Via this method we can either enable/disable a button in RTE.

Hope this post was helpful.

Updated Sep 01, 2020
Version 3.0
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