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Create M365 Group with Sensitivity Label programmatically

SPDev_Support's avatar
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Jun 13, 2022

Creating the M365 group with Sensitivity Label starts the modern Team site with desired protection. This can be done with SPO Rest API or Microsoft Graph API, both require delegated permissions.


The following sample scripts use AAD App ROPC authentication flow (Resource Owner Password Credentials), which is documented in to get access token before making the API calls, other delegated authentication flows should work as well.

  1. Microsoft Graph API sample powershell script:



$tenant = "********"
$AdminUser = "********@$"
$Password = "********" | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force
$tenantId = "********-****-****-****-************"
$ClientId = "********-****-****-****-************"
$SensitivityLabelId = [GUID](" ********-****-****-****-************")   
if($creds -eq $null){
    $creds = Get-Credential -Message "Enter username (UPN format) and password"
$creds = new-object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -argumentlist $AdminUser,$Password
$redirectUri = ""
$base = ""
$scope = ""  

function GetToken([PSCredential]$ROPCreds){
    $headers = @{"Content-Type"="application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
    $body= "client_id={0}&scope={1}&username={2}&password={3}&grant_type=password" -f $clientId, [uri]::EscapeDataString($scope), $ROPCreds.UserName, $ROPCreds.GetNetworkCredential().Password
    $resp = Invoke-WebRequest -Method Post -Uri "$base/$tenantId/oauth2/v2.0/token" -Headers $headers -Body $body
    return $resp

#get token with credentials
$bearerToken = GetToken -ROPCreds $creds
#convert to JSON object
$jsonresp = $bearerToken.Content|ConvertFrom-Json
$tokenType = $jsonresp.token_type
$tokenValue = $jsonresp.access_token
#Write-Host $tokenType $tokenValue
$headers  = @{
              'Authorization'="$tokenType $tokenValue"

<#Create M365 Group with Graph API #>
$createGroupUri = ""
$groupBody = @{
    "displayName" = "Team from Graph API"
    "mailNickname"=  "teamfromgraphapi"
    "description" = "Demo making a group from Graph API"
    "owners@odata.bind" = @(
    "groupTypes" =  @(
    "mailEnabled" =  "true"
    "securityEnabled" = "true"
    "visibility" = "Private"
    "assignedLabels" = @(
$newGroup = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $createGroupUri -Method POST -Headers $headers -Body ($groupBody |ConvertTo-Json -Depth 3) -ContentType 'application/json'




  1. SPO Rest API sample powershell script:



$tenant = "********"  #contoso
$AdminUser = "********"@$"
$Password = "********" | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force
$tenantId = "********-****-****-****-************"
$ClientId = ********-****-****-****-************"
$SensitivityLabelId = [GUID](" ********-****-****-****-************")   
#this is one of the SensitivityLabelIds you want to set for your new site

$tenantHost = "https://$"
$scope = "$tenantHost/.default"
$base = ""
$redirectUri = ""
$creds = new-object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -argumentlist $AdminUser,$Password

function GetToken([PSCredential]$ROPCreds){
    $headers = @{"Content-Type"="application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
    $body= "client_id={0}&scope={1}&username={2}&password={3}&grant_type=password" -f $clientId, [uri]::EscapeDataString($scope), $creds.UserName, $creds.GetNetworkCredential().Password
    $resp = Invoke-WebRequest -Method Post -Uri "$base/$tenantId/oauth2/v2.0/token" -Headers $headers -Body $body
    return $resp

if($creds -eq $null){
    $creds = Get-Credential -Message "Enter username (UPN format) and password"

#get token with credentials
$bearerToken = GetToken -ROPCreds $creds
#convert to JSON object
$jsonresp = $bearerToken.Content|ConvertFrom-Json
$tokenType = $jsonresp.token_type
$tokenValue = $jsonresp.access_token

#Creat Group & associated Team Site with /_api/GroupSiteManager/CreateGroupEx
$header  = @{
             'Authorization'="$($tokenType) $($tokenValue)" 
$createGroupEndPoint = "$tenantHost/_api/GroupSiteManager/CreateGroupEx"
        "displayName"= 'RestApiGroup1'
        "alias"= 'RestApiGroup1'
        "isPublic"= 'false' 
        "optionalParams"= @{ 
                 "Owners"= @("$AdminUser")
                 "CreationOptions" = @(

$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $createGroupEndPoint -Method POST -Headers $header -Body ($groupbody|ConvertTo-Json) -ContentType "application/json"
if($response.StatusCode -eq 200){
     Write-Host "Group and its associated team Site CREATED SUCCESSFULLY!!"




Generated Group and associated modern Team site in SPO Admin portal:


M365 Groups:


M365 Group associated Modern Team Sites with Sensitivity Label set:


Updated Jun 13, 2022
Version 2.0
  • Hi,


    Thanks for posting I was waiting sensitivity label, is it possible to use application permission?

    I have not yet tested it.

  • MaLanger's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Its only supported using delegated permission. I've done some test. 


    When will this be supported using app only token?


    You can obtain the ID of the label you want to apply to a Microsoft 365 group by using List label. Then you can update the assignedLabels property of the group with the label ID.


    Note: Use of this API to apply sensitivity labels to Microsoft 365 groups is only supported for delegated permissionscenarios.

  • Warwick Ward's avatar
    Warwick Ward
    Bronze Contributor

     ah, would be great is this supported app-only token, every other PnP.PowerShell cmdlet I've used in a provisioning process supports app-only permission - but Set-PnPSiteSensitivityLevel only support delegated permissions...