Is anybody experiencing issues with the 1803 upgrade ?
I am in the process of building 10+ SP5 SRS systems and the upgrade from 1703 to 1709 is mostly going ok, although some systems are refusing to even recognise they should upgrade but I am having to repeatedly rebuild from scratch to get 1803 to install and it can take anything from an hour to 12+ hours to upgrade to 1803. I've tried upgrades on different LANs with both proxy and no proxy services in place to help determine if the network is impacting the upgrade, but it's not really made it clear why some upgrade quick and some just won't upgrade at all. The typical failure scenario is that the upgrade demands the Rigel app is uninstalled and running the upgrade troubleshooter doesn't tend to resolve this. Other times it just sits at 0% download for ever.
Also, any ideas why two SP5 would sit at 1703 and complete fail to recognise they need an upgrade?