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Public Sector Blog

Track Changes in Word docs without leaving Microsoft Teams

johnmoh's avatar
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Feb 13, 2020


The ability to Track Changes in Word docs without leaving Teams is now a reality.  When did that happen?  :smile: Very recently according to this post:


Why should we care?

One of the most common feedback I’ve heard, as a consultant in the field, is this: “We work on Word documents with track changes most of the time. But when we use Teams to collaborate, we have to open it in Word [desktop app] – we can’t use track changes without leaving Teams!”  Now you don’t have to leave Teams.  You can stay in one interface and get work done!  This is huge for document collaboration in Teams, especially in our space, #TeamsForGov.



Updated Feb 13, 2020
Version 1.0