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Office 365: New Reader role for the Message Center

DeletedBrianSmith's avatar
Brass Contributor
Mar 06, 2019
First published on MSDN on Jun 08, 2018
Regular readers will know that the message center is somewhere that I feel we make it too hard for our customers reach – and the people who could get there (admins) may not fully understand the impact of some of the issues and do not pass on to the people who need to know.  This was behind my example of using Azure Functions to read from the message center and write out to Planner tasks (covered recently too at the Project Virtual Conference ) so I was particularly happy to see (ironically on the message center) that a new role is rolling out (pun intended) that will allow Office 365 users to be made Message Center Readers.  Very cool!

This is rolling out and the expectation is that it should be complete later this month (June 2018).  Please speak with your Office 365 admin and make sure someone in your PMO is made a reader and can see the messages pertinent for Project, Planner, SharePoint or any other workloads you are interested in.
Published Mar 06, 2019
Version 1.0
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