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Planner Blog

Planner's new copy plan feature helps streamline work management

ErayC's avatar
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Mar 11, 2019

We are pleased to share that we've added the ability to copy plans to Microsoft Planner.  We built this feature as the first step to address your feedback that you'd like to reuse project plans and repeat business processes.  With copy plan, you can now easily duplicate plans and get organized quickly.


Copy existing plans to use for future projects 

It takes a lot of time to build the perfect work management plan. This is especially true when a plan includes a lot of tasks or are part of a repeated process.  Manually recreating plans can be tedious and takes time away from actually doing the work.  That’s where copy plan comes in.  With this feature, you can now create a new plan by duplicating an existing one.  From the Planner hub, simply select “Copy plan” under the “…” menu on the plan you'd like to copy.  You can also copy a plan from the "..." menu when looking at a specific plan.


Copy plans from the Planner hub or within the Board view.


The overall plan structure like, buckets and labels names, are copied over, in order, to help keep the copied plan organized.  The task themselves, as well as their descriptions, checklists, and labels are also copied over.  Copying a plan does not copy over members.  Similarly, task assignments, due datesattachments, comments aren't carried over, and task progress is reverted to “Not started” so you can start with a clean slate.  We’ll continue to listen for your feedback on what options you'd like to see copy plan support.  For additional details on copy plan and the most current list of what’s copied over, please read our support article.    


Rename the copied plan before publishing. In this example, the copied plan is renamed to “Sales Conference - South Region.” 


Start with a clean slate: copied plans automatically remove details like task assignments and progress so you can start fresh with your new plan. 


Up next for us, we plan to add copy plan to our Microsoft Teams experience, as well as support copying a plan within the same Office 365 group 


We love hearing from you, so please continue to tell us how we can improve your Planner experience through our UserVoice site.  We’re always interested in hearing how you’d like to be able to further customize what is copied over, how copy plan fits into your work process, and if you find any gaps or limitations with this new feature.  Feel free to leave a comment below to engage with us directly on the new copy plan feature and keep checking our Tech Community site for the latest feature releases and Planner news. 

Updated Mar 11, 2019
Version 2.0