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Commercial legacy seat-based subscription migrations and introduction of Public Sector offers in CSP

JillArmour's avatar
Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
Jul 12, 2023

In fiscal year 2024, Microsoft will take two important steps toward retirement of the CSP legacy commerce platform. Beginning in November 2023, Public Sector (Academic, GCC, NFP/Charity) offers will be available in new commerce  for new and renewing customers, and starting in January 2024, Microsoft will begin automatic migration of all renewing commercial and Public Sector  customers to new commerce.   


CSP legacy commercial subscription migrations


Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) partners have been steadily migrating their legacy commercial customers to new commerce since October 2021. We know that managing customers' business on two platforms is burdensome. Based on partner requests for help, from January 2024 Microsoft will begin migrating legacy commercial subscriptions to new commerce. All legacy subscriptions that Microsoft migrates to new commerce will be set to an annual term with the same billing plan and seat counts that the customers had in legacy. The Microsoft-led migration will occur on the date of subscription renewal, starting with all subscriptions renewing in January 2024 and continuing throughout the 2024 calendar year. Partners will have seven days after migration is complete to change the subscription term, quantity or cancel the subscription if necessary.


We recommend that partners manage their customers’ migrations, and in particular, if your customers want monthly subscription terms in new commerce instead of annual, you should migrate them before the legacy subscriptions reach end of term in 2024. The benefits of proactively migrating customers’ subscriptions include the ability to amend terms and conditions and the ability to socialize this change with indirect resellers and others in the partner’s ecosystem.  


The chart below offers a timeline view of the CSP legacy migration plan. Partners can find the list of CSP legacy offers available for new commerce migration in the legacy Offer Matrix, which is located in the Partner Center pricing workspace. Note that the list currently displays legacy commercial offers only. Public Sector offers will be added in November 2023, as the details are finalized for their migration to new commerce. Over the course of calendar year 2024, Microsoft will share the timeline for migration of all other remaining CSP legacy offers. Our intent is to ensure a Microsoft-led migration path for each CSP legacy offer at the time of renewal, starting with renewal dates in 2024 and beyond. 


Legacy offers targeted for new commerce

When partners can begin migrating the legacy offers on their own

When Microsoft will migrate the legacy offers

Commercial offers (Microsoft 365, Security, Office 365, Dynamics 365)


On the subscription renewal date in 2024, starting with January 2024 renewals

Public Sector: education, nonprofit, government community cloud (GCC)

November 2023

On the subscription renewal date in 2024, starting with January 2024 renewals

Multi-year offers (for example, six-year education SKUs)

When the offers are published in the Offer Matrix list

On the subscription renewal date in 2024, 2025, or 2026



CSP legacy Public Sector offers (government, education, and nonprofit) coming to new commerce in November 2023


Microsoft is pleased to announce that Public Sector subscriptions will be ready for partners to move to new commerce starting in November 2023. We encourage partners to work with customers on a plan to move their customer subscriptions to new commerce starting in November, to allow them to set the subscription terms that work best for their customers.  

As is the case with commercial offers, starting January 2024, Microsoft will begin migrating legacy CSP Public Sector offers to an annual term in new commerce with the same billing plan and seat counts that the customers had in legacy. CSP partners whose customers want monthly terms in new commerce should migrate those customers’ subscriptions with the desired details in place (terms, seat counts, etc.) before the 2024 renewal date. Otherwise, partners will have seven days after the Microsoft-led migration is complete to change the subscription term or cancel the subscription if necessary.


In November 2023, the list of CSP Public Sector legacy offers available for new commerce migration will be available in the legacy Offer Matrix in the Partner Center pricing workspace.


Resources to help manually migrate customers to new commerce

Partners can migrate subscriptions now – reference the Migrate subscriptions to new commerce article on Microsoft Learn and follow the steps outlined in Partner Center to migrate customers.

To support partners with the migration effort, Microsoft will schedule Technical Training sessions and CSP Spotlight online webinars in the months of October, November, and December. These learning sessions will give partners a comprehensive view of the details involved in migration. Look for an update in September 2023 featuring a schedule of migration-focused events.


Next Steps 

  • Review the Offer Matrix to confirm that your customer subscriptions are available for migration.
  • Read the information in the Resources section below, to learn about the steps for migrating your customers to new commerce.
  • Take action to migrate your customers’ legacy CSP subscriptions to new commerce here. Learn how to use the batch migration (BAM) tool here.
  • Learn how to earn partner incentives in the Microsoft Commerce Incentives program. Download the Partner Incentives Guide here, and sign into the Partner Incentives page to enroll in the program.



If you have questions, submit a support ticket via the Partner Center Support page. 



Migration topics

Partner Center Migration how to topic (

Legacy to New Commerce batch migration tool (

Pricing workspace in Partner Center (

Partner Center pricing and offers how to topic (

Microsoft Learn Announcement



Migration API resources

Create a new commerce migration (

Validate a subscription for migration (

Schedule a new commerce migration (

Query new commerce migrations (

Updated Jul 13, 2023
Version 2.0
  • Zach Saltzman's avatar
    Zach Saltzman
    Copper Contributor

    JillArmour -

    Is there a similar announcement, timeline, or information that you can point us to related to how a Web Direct customer's subscriptions will potentially be affected? Can we assume the same timeline as above?


    We have some prospects who are smart enough to decline CSP since they still enjoy the ability to modify their license counts and terminate subscriptions without early termination fee penalties on Web Direct subscriptions since Microsoft has elected not to enforce the NCE terms and conditions on Web Direct to date. Thanks!