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Outlook for Mac adds improved signature editor in Insider Fast

Vivek Kumar (SVC)'s avatar
Mar 19, 2018

We're excited to introduce an updated and improved signature editing experience for our Insider Fast users starting in version 16.12 (180314).


As before, to open the signature editor, navigate to Outlook > Preferences > Signatures, and either create a new signature (by clicking on the + button) or edit an existing one (by clicking on the Edit button).


With this update you will now be presented with a larger compose window -- with a variety of formatting controls as well as the ability to insert images, links, and tables -- to help you fine tune your signature exactly to your liking! You can also add alt text to images directly in the editor. 



We would love to hear from you as we make improvements in Insider Fast, so please provide feedback and report issues via  Help > Contact Support. If you would like to see other enhancements in Outlook for Mac, please vote for your feature request via  Help > Suggest a Feature. 


Updated Mar 19, 2018
Version 4.0
  • smart-app's avatar
    Copper Contributor


    love the feature.... but:

    SVG support?

    Base64 support?

    booth yes if you use a trick and not the build in editor...

     also the resulting .olk15Signature can not be changed or modified in a editor... after safe it get deleted by Outlook...

    So i'm on Mac OS and found that if you use a AppleScript to make the signature than you can use base64 images without that Outlook makes png from it...

    all other solutions doesn't work ... i've bought also HTML email signature - Outlook... -> doesn't work!

    it makes png from every image ... svg or base64 lol ... the dev behind has no idea and doesn't care too ...


    well here is the script that fixes the issues...

    -- To fix error with Outlook 2016 HTML signature images showing up as attachments
    -- Ref:
    -- To use, add your signature name (under `name`) and signature (under `content`) and paste and run this code in Script Editor
    tell application id ""
    	make new signature with properties {name:"Red Dot", content:"<table><tr><td><img src=\"data&colon;image/png;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAUA
    9TXL0Y4OHwAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==\" alt="Red dot\"></td></tr></table>\"}
    end tell

     so basically it's working.... also for Outlook iOS ... there you just have to sent you your html signature and paste the html code into the signature field... it works ... only tested base64 and html formatting... 

    Now it would be great to give the signature editor possibility to import and use base64 & SVG support and also use correct html format to make signatures that work...

    Outlook Team.... plz plz give us support for SVG & Base64 ... we are in 2020 ... ! no need for bitmap images anymore...



  • Lee_Presser's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    When will Microsoft be adding an import/export feature for signatures? I see that this topic has been discussed for 2+ years, with promises of a solution being broken, as evidenced here. I have multiple signatures, used to reply to different similar requests I get from clients, on my PC in the office, and with my Office 365 Business account have Outlook on the PC there and also on a MacBook Pro. None of my signatures are on the MacBook pro, and need to be there ASAP, in the same format so my clients do not see any difference.

  • json6935's avatar
    Copper Contributor

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  • Reinhardt Smit's avatar
    Reinhardt Smit
    Copper Contributor

    Have you also enabled image linking in HTML? Or will the image still be embedded in the email as an attachment?

  • Jimmy Grewal's avatar
    Jimmy Grewal
    Copper Contributor

    This is a nice improvement, but you didn't go far enough. I can add an SVG logo in the editor, but when I save the signature it is converted to a low resolution bitmap that looks terrible on all modern "retina" High DPI displays. At minimum a .SVG image should be preserved since many modern e-mail clients can now display this format, and ideally there should be some way to include in-line SVG code into the HTML signature to avoid adding a file attachment to every e-mail. C'mon guys, lead the pack with robust SVG support and free us from bitmap hell for vector graphics!

  • Hi Scott, Can you please try re-starting your Outlook? Sometimes the client requires a re-start to pick up the latest features from our backend service.

  • Scott Abbotts's avatar
    Scott Abbotts
    Brass Contributor

    I have this exact build, but I don't have the new feature to Edit or create the signature in a new composition window.