Ok so I have a bit of experience with this feature and as it appears that it still isn't hugely used I thought I would share my 2c.
- GP Settings - for those wondering what to do about pushing out settings, this can be done with a typical AD environment. you can just copy & paste the admx files onto the dc's policy folders, wait for it to copy around the DC's and away you go. you can get the admx files from any windows 10 computer where you have it running.
For those running Azure AD & MDM you can just push out the registry settings as that is what we are starting to do. - File sync limitation SUCKS!!!! - I read a bunch of stuff saying things like "OneDrive Files On-Demand For The Enterprise" and thought,.. "well if it's for the enterprise than it should be more than enough for us who are more like a small business (30 odd staff)" and all I can say is that it works,.. ok,..ish if you sync less than about 60,000 files. and that is not per document library, thats total. You'll read things saying 100,000 per document library but that simply isn't true.
This honestly should be in bright red lettering on any file on demand page really warning ppl about this, I've seen a 4x person small business have sync issues because they had 80,000 files. I wouldn't call this enterprise at all, more like team ready. - RDS Server - For those people wanting the server end client all I can say is what we ended up doing to get around this is enable the RDS server to get back to the client and then setup shortcuts for users that goto \\tsclient\c\users\%USERNAME%\Desktop for example.
Didn't always work for us because local username wasn't always the same as the remote one & is slow as balls but it was better than nothing.
Word of warning for anyone that wants to roll this feature out as well, make sure that you do it *very* slowly, mainly for 2x reasons
- Should go without saying but it'll smash your internet connection if everyone is trying to sync everything.
- If a bunch of computers start to sync at once you'll start to see computers getting confused where they are and start to duplicate files so for example if you have some-file.docx you'll start to get some-file-computer1.docx, some-file-computer2.docx, some-file-computer3.docx!
VERY VERY ANNOYING! and pretty much nothing you can do about it & I'm in two minds about what is causing it either
a. OneDrive on the client computers cant keep up with the changes and just starts to create backup files or b. SharePoint online cant keep up and thus can get the message to OneDrive so the clients start to duplicate files
This will also smash bandwidth as all your computers will start to upload duplicate files and all the other clients will download references to those files
And lastly, end users are interesting people so just keep on repeating "it's just like a normal file share, if you delete something than it will delete for everyone".
We had 1 user say to themselves "Ohh what are these 90,000 files doing on my PC, ctrl+a,.. delete" This told Sharepoint to remove the files and they disappeared from everyone's view. Luckily they were just in the SharePoint recycle bin so that was fine, but you cant restore that many files without logging a call with Microsoft Support and that took 2 days to resolve. I've found scripts after the fact where I could have potentially done it myself but at the time users were without files for 2x days.
Thats all I can think of, off the top of my head. if anyone has any questions feel free to reply to this and i'll do my best to answer.