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Microsoft OneDrive Blog

Announcing new Word and PowerPoint previewers for OneDrive and SharePoint

Stephen Rose's avatar
Stephen Rose
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Jun 27, 2017

Today we are excited to announce a new, streamlined web experience for instantly viewing Word and PowerPoint files in OneDrive and SharePoint document libraries. In April, we announced viewer support for over 250 file types and we are building on top of that momentum with an optimized viewing experience for two of our most popular file types: .docx & .pptx



You will notice a few new things with our viewers. First, they load instantly inline with your files, just like you're used to with popular file formats like PDF, photos, and videos. You'll also notice that we've reduced as much clutter on the screen as possible so you can focus on reading the content. You can still open a document for editing in your browser or in Word and PowerPoint clients. In addtion, we have just moved the edit function to an Open button that's more similar to what users see in Word and PowerPoint. Finally, you can also share, rename, download,or use the details pane to see more information about the file you're viewing.


Along with these new viewers, there are two more updates to the experience. First, company shareable links for Word and PowerPoint files are now available from this new experience. Second, you will notice that our viewing canvas is getting a fresher look and feel. The lighter colors and more purposeful spacing helps you focus on the content, and aligns our viewers closer to the modern web experiences across the Office 365 experiences.


Viewing and interacting with your files, documents, and media on the web is a pillar of our investments, and an area that we'll be talking more on later in the year. In the meantime, we will be rolling out this experience to our First Release customers beginning in mid-June reaching 100% of our First Release tenants by early July.

We (as always) look forward to your feedback as we further optimize our web experience. 


-The OneDrive Engineering Team

Updated Jun 27, 2017
Version 4.0
  • Clint Lechner's avatar
    Clint Lechner
    Steel Contributor

    Is there any way I can use the new file viewer/url in a custom modal from javascript?  Whenever I try this it takes me to the root document library instead of showing the file like it should.  Perhaps a query string parameter?

  • Warwick Ward's avatar
    Warwick Ward
    Bronze Contributor

    Super slick, great work on improving visual and ui aspects that I though was great already.

  • This is Can from OneDrive product group. The new previewers don't have that button, thank you for your feedback, we're looking into it. Making the browser full screen ("F11") may be a step towards getting what you want, but we hear the feedback. Thank you! 

  • PhilineVonthats exactly the feature that's not there anymore, see the picture above that Stephen Rose posted of a powerpoint file in preview, you would have to go to Open, Open in PowerPoint Online, wait for it to open, then get to that button.

  • Hi Stephen, have I missed it or is there no way to get from the new powerpoint viewer to presenting the slides fullscreen, without opening in PowerPoint Online first ? I see lots of my users now deliver ppt from the browser, this will be seen as a backward step.