For many people living in the Northern hemisphere, the end of summer can symbolize the transition to falling leaves as we enter autumn. For students however the end of summer may mean the return to college or university and all the opportunities that it may hold. The beginning of the academic year is an exciting time for those of us at Microsoft as well as we get ready to support the aspirations of students looking to learn skills that will prepare them for their future career.
Connect, get inspired, and innovate
Microsoft is committed to enabling students the opportunity to connect with their peers and acquire the skills they will need to land the jobs that they want. Join us at the 2022 Microsoft Student Summit, where higher education students around the world have the opportunity to discover and virtually connect with their local Microsoft student developer community, acquire and apply tech skills and career advice, and get inspired to start innovating. This 3-hour long event starts on October 7 and will be held in local time zones with local hosts and presenters covering career advice, introductions to cloud-enabled developer tools, an Imagine Cup kick-off, project ideation, and brainstorming.
Learn, discover, and build skills
Head to Microsoft Learn Student Hub and explore the technical skills that you can use to prepare for your future. Whether you are just starting down the path of technical skilling or you are looking to enhance the skills you already have, student learning covers off on the technology that will allow you to learn python, the basics of web development, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, visualizing data for Power BI, and even Cybersecurity.
Stand out with Microsoft Certifications
Once you have acquired the skills, you are able to take your certification exams proving your knowledge and skills entirely free this academic year. Check out this video and hear from students about how they are leveraging Microsoft training and certifications to prepare for their future.
For faculty and educators who want to support students build their skills through curriculum, Microsoft Learn for Educators offers Microsoft created skilling curriculum for educators to bring into the classroom giving students the opportunity to learn the latest skills in the technology they will encounter post-graduation. The ability to graduate with a degree and a certification in Microsoft technology gives students an edge in the highly competitive job market.
We are excited for all students returning to school this year and we look forward to helping empower students to reach their goals with resources on Microsoft Learn.
Updated Sep 13, 2022
Version 1.0Alexa_Joyce
Joined June 22, 2022
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