We've recently updated the end-to-end experience for Microsoft account holders, from form creation to response analysis, making it more modern and intuitive. This exciting revamp gives you a fresh look on the landing, portal, design, and result pages. Whether you're planning a family reunion, organizing a party, or simply doing a check-in, the new Forms offers a seamless and enjoyable experience from start to finish. Let's explore the new experience together!
To give you a better sense of the revamped experience and put it to good use, let's create a party invitation together. Summer is here—imagine you’re planning a barbecue at your place, inviting friends over for some fun and good times together.
New template type - invitation and check-in
In the portal page, we've organized templates into four categories. Alongside survey and quiz, we've added invitation and check-in templates. Since you're planning a barbecue party and want to save some time for crafting the invitation, you can just select invitation template to begin crafting your own.
New portal page
Access templates anytime
Upon entering the design page, you'll notice that you can easily access various templates on the left side pane. In this instance, as you realize your birthday is approaching, you decide to expand your plans beyond just a barbecue and include a celebration. You locate the Birthday party invitation template and make the switch accordingly.
Various templates in left-side pane
Customize style and layout
From the right-side pane, you have the option to select a style from our suggestions or personalize your own. Additionally, you can choose the layout of the cover page for your invitation. In this scenario, considering it's your birthday, you opt for a birthday-themed style. Recognizing that most of the audience will likely view the invitation on their phones, you select a layout optimized for mobile viewing.
Styles in right side-pane
Versatile distribution options
After creating the invitation, it's time to send it out! In the new distribution interface, you can now choose to live present the form to your audience for better engagement. Alternatively, you can still send your form using traditional methods such as URL, QR code, email, or sharing on social media. Simply select your preferred method and send the invitation to your friends and family.
Live present in distribution interface
Why wait? Visit forms.office.com now and try out the revamped experience with your Microsoft account.
Published Jun 21, 2024
Version 1.0junyuB
Joined August 30, 2022
Microsoft Forms Blog
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