Blog Post

Microsoft Security Blog

Updates to Office 365 Secure Score

Anthony Smith (A.J.)'s avatar
Jan 11, 2018

We have received a lot of feedback from the Tech Community on how to make Secure Score better and it is greatly appreciated by the team.  When reviewing your feedback and feedback from other organizations, a few requests were coming up regularly.  Some of what we have heard is around the average score that you can compare yours against. In addition, we heard that determining what security controls had changed and influenced the score where hard to track down. Today we are happy to share that we are adding a couple of enhancements to Secure Score to help with this.


Many of you like the idea that you can compare your score to the average score of all Office 365 tenants. However, some have concerns about the relevance of this to your organization. Based on this feedback we have a new average for you to compare against. The average seat size score shows you a score based on organizations that have a similar number of Office 365 active seats. There are seven seat size groups that we put everyone in, 0-5, 6-99, 100-249, 250-999, 1,000-4,999, 5,000-19,999, and 20,000+. For example, if you have 1200 active seats of Office 365 we will show the average score of other tenants that have active seats between 1,000 and 4,999.



Coming soon we will be introducing an industry average score, this will show you how your score compares to other organizations that have designated the same industry in Secure Score or the Service Assurance page of the Security and Compliance Center.


Another enhancement we are adding is around making it easier to find how your score changed between two dates and what the impact was. Previously you had to click on the line graph in the Score Analyzer tab to choose your date and then take a screenshot or try to remember what actions were completed as you clicked on another date in the line graph.  To make this comparison easier, we have added a “Compare scores” option to the Score Analyzer tab.



Clicking this will allow you to select two dates that you would like to compare the scores on. Upon choosing the dates you will get a list of what controls changed between those dates, and whether the result caused an increase or decrease in the score.



Along the lines of making things easier, we know that finding controls in the action list can be a challenge when the list is long. To help find controls faster we are introducing a search field for the action queue. By typing characters in this field, we will filter down the view list to help you navigate to the actions faster.



And finally the reporting actions have had an overhaul. The reports in Azure have under gone a significant optimization in terms of making them easier to consume and more relevant. Previously when using the Azure classic portal there was a direct report and corresponding Secure Score control for that report. Under the new Azure Portal these reports have been consolidated. This blog post explains how the new mapping works and what the previous reports now map to.


Secure Score has been updated accordingly allowing us to reduce the number of Azure report controls to two (whilst still allowing the same points total). These updated controls now take you to the updated Azure Portal.


If you want to check out all these new features, head over to now. As always thanks for all the feedback and keep it coming!


Updated May 11, 2021
Version 5.0