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Microsoft Security Blog

Managed attributes (public preview) and rich text editor in Data Catalog

DanielPerlovsky's avatar
Jul 25, 2022

Managed Attributes (Public Preview)


Managed attributes allow you to define and group key-value pairs that can enrich technical assets with organizational metadata. When discovering assets in the catalog via search or browse, data consumers can leverage these attributes to gain context into how and why this asset is used within their organization.


Learn more by reading the Microsoft Purview documentation.


Rich Text Editor (GA)


Microsoft Purview enables users to add rich formatting to asset descriptions such as adding bolding, underlining, or italicizing text. Users can also create tables, bulleted lists, or hyperlinks to external resources. To learn all of the capabilities of the rich text editor, see the asset details page documentation.


Updated Sep 21, 2022
Version 5.0
  • Manav_Gumber's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Hi vilearn 

    The reason for that is while making an attribute you haven’t choose the right associates asset type. Please choose the correct asset type and then you will be able to map it.

    Hope you will be able to apply it.

  • vilearn's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Thank you DanielPerlovsky  for the detailed documentation. Can you please share the steps to add managed attributes under an asset? I clicked on edit asset option but there are no options to add managed attributes.