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Messaging on Azure Blog

Announcing Service Bus Explorer preview on Azure Portal!

AshishChhabria's avatar
May 22, 2020

Today, we're please to announce the preview of the Service Bus Explorer tool on the Azure Portal.


Azure Service Bus, like most other PaaS offerings, has 2 sets of operations that can be performed against it.

  • Management operations like CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) on Service Bus namespaces, Queues, Topics, Subscriptions and Filters.
  • Data Operations like Send, Receive and Peek on Queues, Topics and Subscriptions.


While management operations have always been available via the portal, our customers have leveraged tools such as the community managed Service Bus Explorer OSS tool for the data operations. In a quest to reduce the dependence on different tools our customers need to use to provision, manage and test the Service Bus namespace, we have built support for the data operations functionality right into the portal.


To access this tool, select the namespace and the specific Queue or Topic within that namespace you would like to send and receive messages from. Once there, select the "Service Bus Explorer (preview)" from the left menu navigation pane.



We currently support the below operations - 


  • Queues
    • 'Send' to a Queue
    • 'Receive' from a Queue. This is a destructive receive (aka ReceiveAndDelete mode)
    • 'Peek' from a Queue. Up to 32 messages can be peeked at a time.
    • 'Receive' from DeadLetterQueue. You can also receive from the deadletter sub-queue of the queue.
    • 'Peek' from the DeadLetterQueue. You can also peek from the deadletter sub-queue of the queue.
  • Topics
    • 'Send' to a Topic.
  • Subscriptions
    • 'Peek' from a Subscriptions on a Topic. You can peek up to 32 messages at a time.
    • 'Receive' from a Subscription. This is a destructive receive (just like in Queues).
    • 'Peek' from the DeadLetter Subscription. You can also peek messages from the deadletter sub-entity of the subscription.
    • 'Receive' from the DeadLetter Subscription. You can also receive messages from the deadletter sub-entity of the subscription.


To learn more about the Service Bus Explorer tool, please refer to the documentation.


Updated Jul 08, 2020
Version 2.0
  • jspielvogel's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    I can't peek a message on a session-enabled queue. Is this unsupported in the preview? Wouldn't the U.I. require specifying a session id to peek at?

  • MOverholt-afi's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    I didn't find any information about how security roles affect use of Service Bus Explorer, but when I tested it with a user that has the general "Reader" role it looks like they were able to get into the tool, but could not perform any actions. Preventing this user from Send and Receive operations seems logical, but I was hoping that they would be able to Peek messages.


    It would be nice if this feature honored the role-based access controls to determine, based on user, whether to allow SendReceive, and Peek. I would expect Peek to be more broadly available than Send and Receive. The concern I have with the OSS  tool and that this feature seems to share is that it requires the RootManageSharedAccessKey, which sort of give the keys to the kingdom to any user that has it. I'd like to be able to give users the ability to view/monitor/troubleshoot (Peek seems handy for this) without the ability to change either messages or resources.

