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OPS113: From WS2008 to Azure with containers – An Ops view

thomasmaurer's avatar
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Feb 02, 2021

IT Pros around the globe are trying to figure out how to modernize existing applications. End of Support for Windows Server 2008, how to move applications to the cloud, and how to leverage new technologies such as Kubernetes have become a daunting process for Ops teams. In this session, we will cover how to containerize existing applications from the perspective of an ITPro. We will use tools that you are used to – such as Windows Admin Center to jumpstart your modernization process and show how to move an application from Windows Server 2008 to Azure Kubernetes Service.



Vinicius Apolinario, Senior Program Manager



Windows and containers

Containers are a technology for packaging and running Windows and Linux applications across diverse environments on-premises and in the cloud. Containers provide a lightweight, isolated environment that makes apps easier to develop, deploy, and manage. Containers start and stop quickly, making them ideal for apps that need to rapidly adapt to changing demand. The lightweight nature of containers also make them a useful tool for increasing the density and utilization of your infrastructure.


Manage Containers with Windows Admin Center

As a Windows admin you know that managing containers is not as easy as managing VMs. Using PowerShell commands, writing docker files, and so on can be a daunting process - specially if you just want to containerize an existing application. 

With this new update we are expanding the capabilities of Windows Admin Center to help you in your journey of containerizing existing applications. Containers are created based on a container image that in turn are created based on a docker file with instructions on how to create that container image. However, writing a docker file requires which commands to run and when - and even some best practices to avoid large container images.

With the new update in Windows Admin Center you can now just answer some simple questions to get started - it's as easy as letting Windows Admin Center know what type of application you have and directing it to the source folder. Windows Admin Center will do the rest for you! Once finished, the docker file will be stored in the same folder as your application and you can run the image locally and even push it to an external container registry! All without writing a single line of code/script for your docker file or command lines.


This session includes:

0:00 Introduction
3:33 What are containers?
5:35 Windows Server 2008 and 2008 R2 End of Life
9:56 The benefits of using containers
17:25 Demo: IIS Application to be containerized
24:14 Demo: Windows Admin Center Container Management
29:50 Demo: Create a Container Image using Windows Admin Center
36:40 Demo: Run Container Image on Windows Server Container Host
41:25 Demo: Push Container Image to Container Registry (ACR)
47:01 Demo: Create Azure Kubernetes Service Cluster
52:37 Demo: Deploy Container to AKS cluster
59:15 Wrap Up


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Updated May 11, 2021
Version 3.0
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