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Journey of an App: How to push a container image from on-premises to Azure Container Registry

ViniciusApolinario's avatar
Aug 27, 2020

Welcome to part two of this video series. On part one, we covered how to use Web Deploy to extract the web application from IIS and Windows Admin Center to containerize the application. Now it's time to look at how to push the container image created with Windows Admin Center to Azure Container Registry (ACR).


ACR is Microsoft Azure's solution for centralizing the storage of container images and other OCI compliant assets. With ACR you have a dedicated registry on which your company can store container images that are not publicly available, so only users with the right credentials can use it. Since ACR is a cloud service, you can pull images from it from container hosts running on-premises, in the cloud, or even directly to other Azure services - such as Azure Container Instances, as we show on the video.

Also, in the video, we quickly go over the creation of a new registry to be used on Windows Admin Center. You can find more details on ACR, how to deploy and use, and many other features that we don't cover in this video here. If you're looking for more details on Azure Container Instances, you can also find it here.

Finally, in the video we show the integration of Windows Admin Center with Azure, which allows you to quickly see which registries are available by just securely logging with your Azure account. If you'd like to use the new functionality on the Containers extension for Windows Admin Center, you can find the details on that here.

We hope you like video two. Next week on video three, we'll cover the final portion of our series by showing how to prepare an Azure Kubernetes Services environment and YAML file to deploy our Windows Container. Let us know what you think!

Twitter: @vrapolinario

Updated Aug 27, 2020
Version 2.0
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