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How to use Multiple Sign-in Accounts inside of Azure Portal

SoniaCuff's avatar
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Nov 27, 2018

It's common for people running IT operations to use a few different identity accounts when working in Microsoft's online services. You may use a standard one for everyday activities and an administrator-level account with greater access when you need to for specific tasks. Maybe you have an Azure AD organizational account for work and a personal Microsoft account with an MSDN subscription benefit which you use as a test bed. Or maybe you're a managed service provide with separate accounts for multiple customers.


Until now, managing multiple accounts has required signing into each account when you want to use it, which signs out the previous account, or using multiple browsers and incognito/InPrivate tabs. Both aren't ideal.


Microsoft's Identity Division has recently launched a new account manager, with Azure portal integration. I've been using this since it launched in Preview at Microsoft Ignite earlier this year and it's become a seamless part of my day.

View their announcement here.


The account manager can be found by clicking on your name in the top right hand corner of the Azure Portal. You'll see other identities listed below, and the option to sign in with a different one, if the one you want isn't already listed.

Microsoft account manager, showing Azure AD and Microsoft accounts

Notice how none of the identities are in bold? This is a visual clue. It means that none of those other identities have had their password validated yet, in this browser session (which generates an auth token). If I go ahead and select the Microsoft account with my address, it will prompt me to enter that password.


And then I'm back in the Azure portal, under my hotmail account this time.


You can also switch to additional Work accounts, so here I've logged in as a business called The Missing Chair. 

If I take a look at the identities now, I can see some identity names are in bold:

These identities have already validated their credentials for this session, and now have an auth token.  Switching between these accounts now will not prompt me for their passwords again.


The account manager will start appearing inside other Microsoft online services within the next 6-9 months, including Azure DevOps,, the Microsoft Store and more.







Updated Nov 30, 2018
Version 6.0
  • SoniaCuff  thanks for getting back quickly. Strangely, I cannot reproduce such issue that I just experienced earlier this morning. #SMH

    Please ignore my previous message, for now. I'll report back when/if I encounter it again.

  • rayluo What website is that screenshot from? The options look different from 

  • (The last message was submitted but not shown up here. One more try.)


    SoniaCuff , the "Sign in with a different account" option is not available in my case.



    A workaround is to visit which presents a new sign in page, so that I can sign in with my 2nd account there. Now visit Azure Portal again, and the Account Manager will provide an option as "Sign in with different account".


    Such workaround does not seem to work if you want to switch to your yet another (i.e. the 3rd account), because visiting would simply bring you to your 2nd account's mailbox.

  • Ganesh_S1212's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    SoniaCuff  - I was trying to login with another user in DevOps but it was always using single sign-on .  Solution to this issue is to login to the browser with different user option as shown in the image below.  Click on the browser icon -->press shift and then right click on browser new window. It will ask credentials , there provide credentials of another user you want to login with this is how login with multiple users in DevOps/Azure portal works at a same time . Thanks !



  • I'm seeing some inconsistency issues with the account switcher not appearing in some cases. I've raised this internally and will update when I know more.

  • Ganesh_S1212's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    I tried with above workarounds but not able to login with other AAD user at same time . Please someone can suggest.

  • FortyMegabytes  I've just tried to reproduce your issue using an admin and non-admin account in the same tenancy, and it's logging in and switching succesfully. Tested using Google Chrome v73.0.3683.103. Short of clearing the browser cache, I can't think of any more options for you to try other than logging a support ticket. Could be useful to try on a completely different machine to see if the issue follows you?

  • I cannot seem to get this to work if both identities are in the same domain.


    For example, I have a regular login,, and an account with elevated privileges,  I cannot get the Azure portal to log in with my second account.  It keeps only logging me in on my regular, unelevated account.


    It's not a problem with the elevated account because if I use another browser and only ever log into it with my elevated account, I can log into the Azure Portal.  It's only when the Azure Portal tries to use both my elevated and unelevated accounts at the same time that it balks and only allows one account to log in.

    For now the solution is to use one browser for one account and another browser for another account, but that is very annoying.

  • Mark Hoenig's avatar
    Mark Hoenig
    Copper Contributor

    Thanks for the write up, Sonia!  I can't wait for this to come to Office 365