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AzUpdate S03E14: .NET, Azure Bastion, PowerShell, Grafana, and more.

jaydestro's avatar
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Nov 12, 2021

Hello all! 


Pierre is currently enjoying some time off and asked me to handle this week's announcements.  To help me get the job done, I've enlisted April Edwards!  This week we cover a number of new announcements and look at what events are on the horizon.  


Join us on the live stream!



Azure App Service support for .Net 6 now generally available

The release of .NET 6 helps developers build the apps that they want to build, for the platforms they want to target, and on the operating systems they want to use for development. Azure App Service for .NET 6 is generally available now, meaning application developers can utilize the capabilities offered by .NET 6, and run those web apps in App Service.

Joining the party this year with day 0 support are:

Azure Functions where you can host serverless functions using Functions Runtime v4.
Azure Static Web Apps that supports full-stack .NET 6.0 applications with Blazor WebAssembly frontends and Azure Functions APIs.




Public preview: Azure Bastion native client support


With the new Azure Bastion native client support, available with Standard SKU, you can now:

Connect to your target Azure virtual machine via Azure Bastion using Azure CLI and a native client on your local Windows machine
Log into Azure Active Directory-joined virtual machines using your Azure Active Directory credentials


Azure Bastion is a fully managed service that provides more secure and seamless Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) and Secure Shell Protocol (SSH) access to virtual machines (VMs) without any exposure through public IP addresses. Provision the service directly in your local or peered virtual network to get support for all the VMs within it.

New release of PowerShell Preview for Visual Studio Code!

An updated version of our PowerShell Preview extension is now available on the Visual Studio Code marketplace.


This update represents a complete overhaul of the core PowerShell engine of PowerShell Editor services, with the intention of create a more reliable and stable user experience. This release represents over a year’s work, tracked in PSES #1295 and implemented in PSES #1459, and is our response to many issues opened by users over the last few years. Thank you to all of the community members who opened issues which helped motivate this major update.


Microsoft is bringing a managed Grafana service to Azure

Microsoft and Grafana Labs are teaming up to develop a new, fully-managed version of Grafana that runs natively on Microsoft’s Azure cloud platform. The announcement comes just two months after Amazon launched its managed Grafana for AWS into general availability.


Community and Events:

Azure IaaS Day  
There’s still time to register for Azure IaaS Day, a free digital event on Wednesday, November 17, 2021, from 9:00 AM to 11:00AM Pacific Time. Join us to hear more about IaaS innovations, engage with industry leaders and product experts, and explore cloud infrastructure solutions that will grow your business. 


DevOps AMA Martyn Coupland and April Edwards 

Dec 9, 2021 


Microsoft Learn Module of week:  

Introduction to .NET 


Updated Jan 21, 2022
Version 2.0
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