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AzUpdate: MS Ignite, Azure Front door, Windows Server 2022, Azure AD Connect update and more

AnthonyBartolo's avatar
Feb 26, 2021

Lots of news to cover on the eve of the upcoming Microsoft Ignite Winter Event. This week's news includes: Azure Front Door Standard and Premium now in public preview, Upgrading your Azure AD Connect sync to a newer version prior to 29 February 2024, Retirement of AKS legacy Azure AD integration on 29 February 2024, Retirement of Azure Batch rendering VM images & licensing, Microsoft Announces Windows Server 2022 Insider Preview Build 20298 and as always the Microsoft Learn module of the week.



Azure Front Door Standard and Premium now in public preview 

Azure Front Door, Microsoft's secure cloud CDN service enabling cyber security teams to accelerate content delivery while protecting apps, APIs, and websites from cyberthreats has reached public preview this week for both it's standard and Premium offerings. Azure Front Door combines intelligent threat protection and modern CDN technology in a tightly integrated service that’s easy to setup, deploy and manage.



Check here for more information: Azure Front Door Standard and Premium


Azure AD Connect sync update requirement to a newer version by 29 February 2024

Microsoft is constantly making updates to Azure AD Connect sync to ensure optimal security and performance of the synchronization processes. With theses updates comes the retirement of versions published before 5 May 2018 (version 1.1.751.0 and older) of Azure AD Connect on 29 February 2024. 


Please upgrade to a newer version of Azure AD Connect sync to minimize service disruption. Review the options in the migration guide to perform the upgrade.


AKS legacy Azure AD integration will be retired on 29 February 2024

Azure Kubernetes Service now uses Managed Azure Active Directory to simplify the Active Directory integration process.  This means the legacy Azure Active Directory Integration will be retiring on 29 February 2024. Any Azure Kubernetes Service cluster using the legacy Azure Active Directory integration will be unsupported after 29 February 2024.


Transition to AKS-managed Azure AD before 29 February 2024 to avoid or minimize disruption to your Azure Kubernetes Service cluster.


Azure Batch rendering VM images & licensing will be retired on 29 February 2024

Batch pools, currently be created using Marketplace VM images containing pre-installed graphics and rendering applications that have pay-for-use application licensing, will not be available for use starting 29 February 2024.


Organizations will need to create a custom Virtual Machine image with the required applications installed and will require the creation of new Batch pools. Standard licenses will need to be purchased for the required applications and installed on a license server that is on the same virtual network as the created Batch pool. Old pools using the Marketplace images will need to be deleted.


The Batch documentation contains guidance for creating and using custom VM images to create pools with the required applications, as well as information on using standard application licensing.


Microsoft Announces Windows Server 2022 Insider Preview Build 20298

Microsoft has released a new build of the Windows Server Long-Term Servicing Channel (LTSC) Preview that contains both the Desktop Experience and Server Core installation options for Datacenter and Standard editions.


Microsoft is asking for feedback on what's working and what needs to be improved. Current known issues include: Shutdown Event Tracker is displayed every time a user logs on even when the user is a member of the administrators group and the user has closed the tracker window properly. Also, Auto Logon does not work correctly in some scenarios.


Further details surrounding how to aquire a copy can be found here: How to download Windows Server Preview Build 20298



Community Events

  • Microsoft Ignite - Registration and the schedule builder is available for next weeks event.   

MS Learn Module of the Week


Microsoft Ignite Cloud Skills Challenge

The challenge begins on March 2nd, 2021 and contains 7 challenges to choose from. You will earn a free Microsoft Certification exam that can be applied to your choice from a select list of options once you complete that challenge.

The challanges ends on April 7th 2021 and full details on how to participate can be found here: Microsoft Ignite Cloud Skills Challenge


Let us know in the comments below if there are any news items you would like to see covered in the next show. Be sure to catch the next AzUpdate episode and join us in the live chat.

Updated Feb 26, 2021
Version 1.0