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Internet of Things Blog

#JulyOT 2022 -31 days of IoT content for everyone starting 1st July

Jim Bennett's avatar
Jim Bennett
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Jul 01, 2022

Animated July O T logo


#JulyOT is back for 2022! Throughout the month of July, the IoT teams at Microsoft will be sharing content and events put together by IoT enthusiasts from around the world.  This includes content from community members, Microsoft employees, and could even involve you!   For every working day in July, we’ll focus on one or more featured content pieces from our curated collection at the new home of #JulyOT -!.  The idea is to inspire those curious about IoT to pursue their own personal projects within the realm of Internet of Things, and then share them on social media with the hashtag #JulyOT.


We'll be updating with new content every working day in July, so check back there often, or subscribe to the RSS feed. We'll also be updating this post at the end of each week with a round up of what we covered in that week.


IoT live streams


IoT for Beginners Reactor stream logo

 JulyOT kicks off with live streams from the Microsoft Reactor. Check out our events page to learn more and register. These include the first 4 lessons of IoT for Beginners, our free, open source IoT curriculum, as well as live streams in English and Spanish.


IoT Cloud Skills Challenge

A cartoon raccoon holding medals

We'll also challenge y'all to grow your IoT skills with a cloud skills challenge! More details coming on the 1st July.


Digital swag

What better way to celebrate #JulyOT than with digital swag! Set your desktop or video chat background, and get cool visuals to share on social on our digital swag page.


Enjoy the celebration of #JulyOT

See you all at as we celebrate #JulyOT.



Updated Jul 01, 2022
Version 1.0
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