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Intune Customer Success

Troubleshooting the Microsoft Store and Microsoft Intune integration

Intune_Support_Team's avatar
Feb 23, 2023

We recently released a new Microsoft Store app experience in Microsoft Intune, allowing admins to search, browse, and deploy apps from a single location. This feature allows access to most Store apps within Intune, simplifying deployment to device groups and allowing admins the ability to keep apps automatically up-to-date and remove unwanted, built-in apps from devices. However, there are known issues when creating and accessing apps through the Store app in Intune and we wanted to provide some general recommendations and troubleshooting guidance when using this feature.


Understanding app creation issues

The following sections explain scenarios where creating and searching for apps through the Microsoft Store app in Intune may not work as expected.


The desired app is available in the Microsoft Store but is not appearing in the search results

Specific Microsoft Store apps may not be displayed or available in Intune. Common reasons this may occur includes when the app is:

  • Not available in your region.
  • Only available for ages 12 and above.
  • A paid app, which is not supported.
  • An Android app. Accessing Android applications requires additional steps and apps. To learn more, see Windows Subsystem for Android.
  • A Microsoft Store for Business app that is not available publicly in the consumer store.
  • Not available for download and management through Intune.
  • Applications marked as non-searchable in the store. Searching by application name in the store or Intune will not show, but searching by ID will.
  • Multi-word search is quoted whole word search logic, use either a single word or exact match to the name in the Store (no skipping words or partial words).


Win32 app shows not supported

After selecting a Win32 app from the search results, you may see a banner that states “This app is not supported in preview,” and you’re unable to proceed. There are some Win32 apps that either we don’t have enough information on or that have unreliable detection, installation, or upgradability and are, therefore, filtered out as they may not successfully be managed.


A screenshot of the Add App screen showing that the desired app is not supported in the Microsoft Store app.


Common scenarios include installers that add multiple entries into add/remove programs during their installations or apps with ARM64 installers. Check the application’s page in the Microsoft Store and confirm what installers are used. ARM64, for example, is listed under the system requirements architecture details.


A created application is stuck in processing

If you create an application and then experience a banner that indicates that the app is still processing (and it remains in this state), you will be unable to assign the app. This is typically caused by an issue when Intune attempted to validate the app and can be resolved by re-creating the app. However, if you’re creating the apps by using the Microsoft Graph API and run into this, it’s likely due to a misconfiguration such as a mismatch in the resource type.


Search error messaging

When performing a search with the Microsoft Store app in Intune, or selecting the desired application from the search results, an error dialog may appear with “An error occurred when searching for apps” or “Error getting app manifest” message.


This means that the query was unable to retrieve information from the Store endpoint ( Confirm that you’re using the Store endpoint, that it’s not blocked by firewall rules (as access to this endpoint is required) and try again. If you need additional troubleshooting assistance for this scenario, please open a support case and provide a network trace of the failure.


Troubleshooting app downloading issues

If you’re experiencing issues when downloading the Microsoft Store apps, it’s helpful to understand the installer type of the application package as they work differently and may have their own limitations. There are two installer types:

  • UWP (Universal Windows Platform) apps, which includes .appx/.appxbundle/.msix installers
  • Win32 apps, which includes .exe/.msi installers


You can determine the type by viewing the app Properties > Installer type in the Endpoint Manager admin center. Note that Intune Win32 type apps in Intune (shown as Windows app (Win32)) are not the same as Win32 type Store apps (shown as Microsoft Store app (new)).


Store apps of UWP installer type

Store UWP installers are downloaded and installed using the Microsoft Store. The content should come from a Microsoft content delivery network (CDN). These are partial downloads (byte range requests) based on what is needed for a specific device.


If you want to use Delivery Optimization, it must already be configured on the device. Delivery Optimization is used to perform the download, with Delivery Optimization peering enabled for this type only.


Store apps of Win32 installer type

Store Win32 installers are downloaded by the Windows Package Manager (WPM) from third party download locations determined by the app publisher. See the WPM logs for detailed download progress and the URL used for download.


Common issues:

  • Inaccessibility to the download location (Note, you can use WPM logs to see the exact URL location or by running “Winget show [packageid]” and looking at the Installer > Installer URL property).
  • Hash-mismatch: The file at the endpoint doesn’t match as expected. Downloads are temporarily redirected to a Microsoft CDN with a cache of the installer file until the new installer version can be processed. Access to the Microsoft CDN is needed.
  • Download location reliability: the endpoint may not handle large scale downloads well, especially in a short period of time, or may have other outage issues.
  • Delivery Optimization peering isn’t currently available for Win32 Store apps.


Troubleshooting client logs

Reviewing logs is the best way to understand failures. The following table provides information about the log types, what they report, and where to find them. Note that %TEMP% will be evaluated in the context of the installation, so would be for system user or logged on user based on the install behavior (system or user) set for the app.


Improvements to app processing





  • This is the main Intune client log
  • Look for "[Win32App]" and "[WinGetApp]“
  • High level orchestration of steps for all apps and specific actions for system content apps



  • Includes the Intune orchestration of the WPM library for user context actions (detection, applicability check, install, uninstall, upgrade)



  • WPM (WinGet) logs


Varies by installer

  • Store app Win32 installer logs

If the installer definition supports a custom log location, it defaults to: %TEMP%\winget\defaultStateIn future will be %ProgramData%\Microsoft\IntuneManangementExtension\Logs


Note, custom install location is not supported in manifest on many apps.

Operational Event logs

  • This includes UWP installer logs (both msstore and non-store appx)
  • Search by Package Family Name (PFN) to find your application

Event Viewer - Application and service


Logs\Microsoft\windows\appxdeploymentEvent viewer - Application and Service Logs\Microsoft\windows\appxdeployment-server


Application and Service Logs\Microsoft\windows\Store\operational


The following table is a general overview of the key lines in the Intune Management Extension logs that are helpful to understand where the app installation failure occurs.



Start of check in

“[Win32App] Requesting required apps” or
“[Win32App] Requesting available apps only”

Shows the policies received from Intune Management Extension service

Get policies = [{policies}]

Start processing subgraph with apps

[Win32App][V3Processor] Processing subgraph with app ids: {appId}

Initial detection results (used to determine if action is needed)

[Win32App][WinGetApp][WinGetAppDetectionExecutor] Completed detection for app with id: {appId}

Applicability results (used to determine if action is needed)

[Win32App][WinGetApp][WinGetAppApplicabilityExecutor] Completed applicability check for app with id: {appId}.

Install, Upgrade or Uninstall start

[Win32App][WinGetApp][WinGetAppExecutionExecutor] Starting execution of app with id: {appId}
Post-install detection results [Win32App][WinGetApp][WinGetAppDetectionExecutor] Completed detection for app with id: {appId}


Note: Use the AgentExecutor logs for user context installs and WPM logs for a deeper look into all actions (except for applicability/detection steps).


The app is reported as “Not Applicable” in the IME logs

There are a few reasons that the application may not be applicable:

  • The device is not a Windows device that supports the Intune Management Extension or it only has one core processor.
  • The Intune Management Extension version doesn’t support the new installer type (less than 1.59).
  • In the IME logs, the app appears as:
    • “NotSupported”
    • [Win32App][WinGetApp][AppPackageManager] This client machine only has 1, the application will not be installed.
    • “AppPackageNotFound”
  • The app is not available on the device.
  • None of the installers associated with the app are applicable on the device.
  • Applicability is evaluated by the WinGet library and reasons for the status may include architecture, language, and minimum operating system requirements.


Keep in mind

Some group policies may affect app deployment from the Microsoft Store. Refer to the table in the Store group policies section of Add Microsoft Store apps to Microsoft Intune.



If you have any questions or comments for the Intune team, reply to this post below or reach out to @IntuneSuppTeam on Twitter. For more troubleshooting content related to Win32 apps, check out Troubleshoot Win32 app issues and Troubleshooting Win32 app installations with Intune!

Updated May 08, 2023
Version 4.0
  • RSG_PH's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    I pushed MS Store apps (new) as Available for enrolled devices to a user group but noticed that MS Store apps are not showing in Company Portal except for Win32 apps. May I know what causes the issue of store apps not showing in Company Portal for Hybrid AD joined(co-managed) device. Thank you!

  • Uninstalled OBS and then reinstalled it from the company portal and the latest version installed (29.0)



    What's interesting in the registry the ComplianceStateMessage shows ProductVersion is 27.2.4 which was released in March of 2022. Maybe that is why it's failing to install the latest version?




    If I use winget to search for the app, I get uknown version from the msstore repository and the correct version from the winget repository. I'm thinking the developer is not doing their job with the package they are pushing to the msstore.




  • Found this under Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\IntuneManagementExtension\Win32Apps\Reporting\00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000\23558dc6-a8b9-47a4-8dd0-f7fa0f0fe2fb


    Not sure if that means anything. All the logs look clean otherwise



  • Rae_Goodhart So Intune would need to have the same or similar functionality to handle architecture selection? I hope something like that is being planned.

    I found the application ID in the IntuneManagementExtension log but I'm unsure how to read this. Does "Found GRS value: 12/04/2022 01:41:37" mean the last time the app was updated?

    <![LOG[[Win32App][GRSManager] Found GRS value: 12/04/2022 01:41:37 at key a525f3de-da46-454d-bdef-0792ce51989b\GRS\/chYRLqQrozYj4uu84P3Sz6IneqslNrTl7PP7/ulLkY=\23558dc6-a8b9-47a4-8dd0-f7fa0f0fe2fb.]LOG]!><time="13:48:03.5984344" date="3-3-2023" component="IntuneManagementExtension" context="" type="1" thread="29" file="">


    We also have the Winget repository blocked by Group Policy. Could that play a role in this app not updating?

  • Anthonymelwhrhs The Win32 apps for Teams and VSCode are in the store, that's why they show up in the search at all. But as I said they include arm64 installers (you can tell by the fact that arm64 is explicitly listed in the architecture list on the store's app page), and unfortunately the end to end integration can't currently manage arm64 Win32 Store app installers. Because the installation of store applications is architecture agnostic (the store/window package manager handles architecture selection on client devices based on applicability), Intune can't exclude just the arm64 installer so it must exclude the entire application to prevent the running on an arm64 device where the application would be in an unmanageable state and cause problems on that device.

    To identify the application, you need to find the Intune application ID - you can either search the application name in the IME logs and look it up in the policy line or get the ID (a GUID) from the URL when on the application properties page in admin portal. You can then use that ID to lookup any activity for the application, looking for some of the sample log line snippets listed in the table above.

    And yes, currently checking for updates in the store will not show updates for Win32 applications. 

  • Rae_Goodhart Thank you for reply! There are also Win32 installers available for Teams and Visual Studio Code as I deploy them through Intune aright now. Why not just get those into the store?

    I did review the logs but I'm unsure of how I would identify the app in question. But based on your statement are you saying that if an update is offered, I would not see it when checking for updates from the store?

  • Anthonymelwhrhs thank you for your feedback!

    Microsoft Teams and Visual Studio are both excluded because they have arm64 installers, which unfortunately this current system can't handle appropriately and as such all apps with them are excluded at the moment during the preview. I understand the frustration here, this is something we are looking into how to allow these Win32 applications to be managed.

    Microsoft Store (new) apps of Win32 installer type should be automatically updated through Intune to the latest version available in the store. Are you seeing that the OBS application installed on the device is not updated to the latest version that is available in the store? Did you check the IME/AgentExecutor logs as outlined in this post to see if the upgrade is being attempted and failing or not even attempted? You won't see an upgrade option in the Company Portal, as the upgrade is automatic not user initiated. Note this upgrade capability for Store apps of a Win32 installer type is unique to Intune, not native in the Microsoft Store, so only applies if there is an Intune application policy assigned to the device, which for available means not only assigned but that the user has clicked to install.

    Feedback Hub is not searchable as it has an age restriction of Teen, this is also something on our product backlog to improve and your feedback helps us to prioritize accordingly.

  • MichaelOliv's avatar
    Iron Contributor

    Like Anthony I am surprised that app like Onenote are not supported in preview.


    And I do the same thing with ID to find Microsoft Translator but everytime I try to install it failed. I need to check with this article to see if I find the reason.


    But the biggest problem for us is that we install the Offline company portal to have it directly when the user is connected on an Autopilot computer. To run sync... With the new store it seems not possible. So what is the solution for this please?

  • Why are apps like Microsoft Teams and Visual Studio, both which have machine-based installers, flagged for "This app is not supported in preview". These are first party apps. Microsoft should overcome these limitations for their own applications. 


    Why are store Win32 apps not updating to the last versions? I made OBS available to install via the company portal, a few weeks go by and there is a new version in the Microsoft Store, but I'm not presented with the update. Does this function not work for available apps? Does it need to be required. I know it comes from a third-party download location, but at least tell me there is an update via the Store interface. Otherwise the developer is lazy in updating said third-party download location.


    Also, some apps like the Feedback is not searchable from within Intune, but if I enter it's GUID/ID it finds it. Why??