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Intune Customer Success

The Homepage Shortcut in the Microsoft Edge Browser with Intune

Intune_Support_Team's avatar
Nov 29, 2018

By Mark Stanfill | Intune Support Escalation Engineer and KJ Saxena | Windows Sr. Program Manager


We’ve had a few questions from customers lately regarding the differences between the Intune Managed Browser and Microsoft Edge behavior with app configuration policies. There are four policies supported by policy-protected browsers in Intune: homepage, bookmarks, and allowed and blocked URLs. The homepage setting has a few differences worth noting.


Intune customers familiar with the Managed Browser will see a different behavior in Edge than you may be used to seeing in your policy-protected browser settings. In Managed Browser, the homepage key-value pair (KVP, in this case) displays the URL specified in the value when you start a new browser instance or when you create a new tab. In Edge for iOS and Android, this behavior changes to display a homepage shortcut. 


The homepage shortcut is the first icon in the list of recently visited web sites (MarkStan He… in the screen shot shared below). The homepage shortcut’s position does not change, and users cannot delete the icon. Tapping the icon will bring up the page as expected.



Here’s Q&A for frequently asked questions.


Q:  Is there a separate setting for Edge?

A:  As shown in the screen shot below, the setting for both the Managed Browser and Edge is the same:



Q:  Is there any way to display the page in a full page like we are used to in Managed Browser?

A:  Not currently. We’d love to hear your feedback to understand why this is important to you. The best way to share your comments with the Windows Edge team is directly through the Feedback Hub.


Q:  What is the expected behavior of the homepage shortcut’s label?

A:  The organization’s name will be displayed (for example, “Contoso web site”). This is not currently configurable. The icon will update with favicon.ico from the web site once it is first launched.


Q:  Are the other icons configurable?
A:  No. The other six icons will be updated based on the most recently visited sites.  You can configure bookmarks to provide users with a list of easily-accessible sites.


Q:  Do bookmarks or allowed/blocked URLs work differently in Edge browser?

A:  No. These settings are equivalent to the behavior in the Intune Managed Browser.


More information on app configuration policies can be found in the documentation here:


Let us know if you have any additional questions by commenting back on this post or reaching out to us through twitter #intunesuppteam.


Updated Dec 01, 2023
Version 3.0
  • Mcsood's avatar
    Brass Contributor
    Why on earth would MS change the behavior of the homepage in Edge and leave all the other configuration settings the same? The Home page configuration as it stands now is not intuitive. A "HOME page" in every other browser (Including Internet Explorer) uses the term Home page the same way, it the page you start on.