Blog Post

Intune Customer Success

Support Tip: ISV VPP apps not available for iPad or other types of devices

Intune_Support_Team's avatar
Jun 03, 2020

We recently heard from a customer that their Apple Volume Purchasing Program (VPP) apps were unavailable on iPad devices. Through investigation, we discovered that the ISV-published app data was incomplete.


The metadata on what device types can use the app is entered in as part of the store upload. If you are looking at an app provided by your ISV, you can:

  1. You can lookup application metadata using following URL:<APPLICATION_ID>&p=mdm-lockup&caller=MDM&platform=enterprisestore&cc=us&l=en​
  2. Replace ApplicationID with app number in the Store URL. For example, using Microsoft word, the app store URL is:

  3. Then you can look up the metadata by replacing your apps ID for Microsoft Word’s ID in the URL below:​

From a user's perspective, this metadata surfaces on a banner in the store as shown here:

This app is available only on the App Store for iPhone and iPad.


The ISV needs to set deviceFamilies flags correctly in their Xcode project in order to resolve the metadata issue. For this specific app the customer was using, the app then added:



And reloaded the app. This then worked so the app was available for iPad devices. Feel free to share this post link with your ISV if you’re running into this. 


If you have any questions on this post, just let us know by commenting back You can also ask quick questions at @IntuneSuppTeam out on Twitter.

Blog post updates:

  • 6/5/20: With an addition to clarify a step an ISV needs to take within their Xcode project.
Updated Dec 19, 2023
Version 11.0
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