Microsoft Intune does not support iOS, iPadOS, or macOS beta releases. We declare support once the OS becomes generally available (GA). We will document, often as a known issue and after the product GA’s, the occasional scenario that doesn’t quite work as expected. One reason why we don’t support beta OS’s is that a lot can change from customer feedback between beta releases, and features can come in and out of the OS. You can find out more about what’s in the Apple beta program at this link: Apple Beta Software Program.
We do test beta OS’s though, and sometimes find issues we’d like to make customers aware of so you can decide how to best manage the beta OS in your environment. In the latest beta release of iOS/iPad 17, we have found the following known issue:
- Mobile application management (MAM) isn’t working correctly for Outlook Mobile on iOS 17 Beta. The max OS policy does not block Outlook mobile on this beta release.
If you run into anything else that’s major, let us know! You can file any MAM issues with iOS or Android in Github (including both iOS and Android links as both are expected to release new OS’s in the next few months):
- Issues · msintuneappsdk/ms-intune-app-sdk-ios (
- Issues · msintuneappsdk/ms-intune-app-sdk-android (
We’ll keep you posted if we run into anything else major in our testing! We’re looking forward to the full Apple OS lineup when they release.
Updated Dec 19, 2023
Version 4.0Intune_Support_Team
Joined October 11, 2018
Intune Customer Success
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