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Intune Customer Success

(Resolved) Known Issue: Devices Upgrading to Android 13 cannot enroll into management

Intune_Support_Team's avatar
Dec 21, 2022

We were recently alerted to an issue where Samsung devices are unable to enroll as personally-owned Work Profile on Android 13. Users may see a dialog box saying that the profile was unable to be created. S21 and S22 devices are confirmed to be affected, but impact on other models may be possible. We have been working with our Samsung and Google friends, who have issued a fix.


In order to resolve, we recommend that admins tell users to reboot the device. The Android Device Policy app will be downloaded during enrollment, but it will not change the user experiences. If the reboot does not resolve the issue, try guiding your users to install the Android Device Policy manually on the Google Play Store, then rebooting, and beginning the enrollment flow again.


For more information, visit Samsung’s Knox Documentation.


If you have questions or comments for the Intune team, reply to this post below or reach out to @IntuneSuppTeam on Twitter.

Updated Dec 19, 2023
Version 7.0
  • Serpentbane's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    I waited a little before posting the case number in case it was something obvious, but...

    But this is not a upgrade to A13 issue for sure. It could be an A13 update obviously, or a change on your or Googles end. The case is on-going, so I posted this as a notice as per your previous post.

  • Hi Serpentbane, this known issue specifically affects S21 and S22 devices. Based on your description, your situation appears to be different from this particular issue. If you’re able to reproduce the issue and capture Intune Company Portal logs, please open a new support request via the Microsoft Intune admin center's "Help and support" blade or any of the other methods here:, as this will help provide our team with the necessary information to resolve the issue. Please send us a message with your support case number for further follow-up. Thanks!

  • Serpentbane's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    I'm trying to re-enroll a Samsung Xcover-5 device as a Fully Managed User Device and I get this message and enrollment fails.

    I'm not enrolling using a DEM account. This worked fine a little before Christmas on this exact phone, but not today. I'm not sure if the device has been updated to Android 13 after the last enrollment as I cannot see this from the setup screen.

    I Power on the phone, tapps the screen and scans the QR code. Choose language and connects to WiFi. The process starts as usual, but after signing in, approving with Authenticator, it fails.

    Could this be related to the issue described? Intune_Support_Team 


  • SAMcKenzie's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Was able to get all the personal androids going finally. What is puzzling is some of the devices do end up with a true Work\Personal profile and some devices do not get the split profiles. They are all working so I am not chasing that rabbit.