Blog Post

Intune Customer Success

Resolved: Block document saving from the iOS Adobe Reader mobile app to the Adobe Document Cloud

Intune_Support_Team's avatar
Sep 06, 2019
Updated 05/24/21 - Working with the Adobe Acrobat app development team, the iOS Adobe Reader mobile app now supports the 'Save Copies of Org Data' setting.

The Adobe Acrobat reader mobile app supports Intune app protection policies as of August 2019 on both Android and iOS. On iOS, there was a previously known issue with the 'Save Copies of Org Data' setting targeted to the Adobe Acrobat reader app. Previously
, when this setting was configured, it did not block saving copies of PDF files from the Adobe Acrobat mobile app to the Adobe Document Cloud.
For more info on configuring and managing Acrobat Reader for iOS with Intune, please see the links below to learn more:
If your organization wants to block this behavior, Adobe Acrobat on iOS currently enables an app config key/value to block this. You can adjust the key/value for both MDM (managed device) and non-MDM (managed app) channels in Intune by following the instructions in the documentation linked here (MDM) or here (APP). The key is 'allowDocumentCloudFSAndServicesAccess' and the value should be set to 'false'. This removes the option given to the end user to 'Save to Adobe Document Cloud' within their Adobe app. This key and value should be delivered through Intune app config policies.
Post updates:
  • 12/19/19: We are still working with the Adobe Acrobat app development team to integrate the Intune SDK within their app.
  • 5/24/21: Working with the Adobe Acrobat app development team, the iOS Adobe Reader mobile app now supports the 'Save Copies of Org Data' setting.
Updated May 25, 2021
Version 4.0
  • Trang_95's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Intune_Support_Team We use device-based Conditional Access and for this to work, the Acrobat app also has to have MSAL integration which is not the case at the moment. We have several cases with Adobe opened, but no one understood our problem. 

  • Trang_95's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    No Jose Castillo Soriano as the Intune SDK piece is still missing. This is really annoying. 

    Another question: is it possible to hide Google Drive and Dropbox in Adobe Reader app using Intune?

  • Hello,
    The conditional access problems discussed by Trang_95 have been solved?


    Does this already work?

    We are working with the Adobe Acrobat app development team to behave like other Intune SDK-integrated apps, and support the 'Save Copies of Org Data' setting in the same way. We will update this blog post when we have additional information.

  • gba18's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Thanks for posting this.  I just added Acrobat to our available apps and noticed this problem and was pleasantly surprised to find a solution!

  • Trang_95's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Hi Intune Support Team,


    currently, our Conditional Access policy does not work for iOS Adobe Reader mobile app. After sign-in with Adobe Enterprise ID, the app is not able to send Device Registration information back to AAD so the login fails with Adobe Creative Cloud.

    Any plan, when this issue will be fixed?