Updated 5/18/21 - This issue has been resolved with the public release of iOS 14.5. See: GitHub - msintuneappsdk/ms-intune-app-sdk-ios or NuGet Gallery | Microsoft.Intune.MAM.Xamarin.iOS to obtain the latest versions of the Microsoft Intune App SDK for iOS.
Intune and Office test beta OS versions to ensure management and apps work as expected when Apple releases new updates. With the release of iOS 14.5 beta OS on February 1, we’ve discovered an issue where App Protection Policy (APP, also known as MAM)-protected apps may be unable to launch. We see the issue in Office apps with APP protection and 3rd party line-of-business (LOB) and independent software vendor (ISV) apps that use SQLite directly or indirectly.
We have shared feedback with Apple about this launch issue and has been resolved with the public release of iOS 14.5.
If you are experiencing this issue with your LOB app, you will need to update APP-protected apps to our latest SDK, Xamarin Bindings, or wrapper.
- Apps built with Xcode 12 should use the native SDK Version 14.1.3 and higher or the Xamarin Bindings for 14.1.3 and higher. Apps built with Xcode 11 should use the native SDK Version 12.9.4 or the Xamarin Bindings for 12.9.4.
- Apps using the wrapper will need to rewrap with Version 14.1.3 and higher.
Otherwise, please contact your software vendor to make the update.
Note: For the best experience, we always recommend using the latest versions of the SDKs available.
We will keep you posted if any changes are made to the beta. Let us know if you have any additional questions on this by replying back to this post or tagging @IntuneSuppTeam out on Twitter. Happy testing!
Post updated:
- 2/4/21: Updated post to include the updated Intune SDK versions to remediate the issue.
- 2/5/21: Updated post to include NuGet Xamarin bindings links.
- 5/18/21: Updated post with the latest SDK version and an update that this issue has been resolved with the public release of iOS 14.5.
Updated Dec 19, 2023
Version 13.0Intune_Support_Team
Joined October 11, 2018
Intune Customer Success
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