First published on TechNet on Jan 10, 2018
By Chris Baldwin| Principal PM
If you are managing Android devices with a work profile (Android for Work), there is a specific, one-time task that IT admins need to perform in order to ensure that the Intune Company Portal app continues to receive automatic updates from the managed Google Play store. If this is not done, the Company Portal app itself may not receive updates. This could result in Company Portal falling out of date and potentially missing out on important bug fixes or feature updates.
How to approve the Company Portal app
You will need to manually approve the Company Portal app in the managed Google Play store. This needs to be done only one time, by following these steps:
1. Browse to the Intune Company Portal in the managed Play Store by following this URL:
2. Sign in to the managed Google Play store using the same Google account you used to configure your Android for Work binding. If you forget what account you used, you can view it in the Intune admin page on the device enrollment > Android for Work enrollment blade under "Google Account."
3. In the Intune Company Portal listing in the managed Google Play store, click Approve.
4. Review the permissions dialog and click Approve. These permissions are necessary for the Company Portal to manage the work profile on devices managed by your organization:
5. We recommend selecting "Keep approved when app requests new permissions" so that the app will stay approved in the event that permissions change. You can optionally sign up for email notifications of permissions changes on the "Notifications" tab. Click Save.
6. Verify that the "Approved" label appears as shown below.
7. You can now close the managed Google Play store browser window.
Updated Dec 19, 2023
Version 13.0Intune_Support_Team
Joined October 11, 2018
Intune Customer Success
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