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Healthcare and Life Sciences Blog

Unified Modern Workplace User Training with Brainstorm – Michael on the Go

MichaelGannotti's avatar
Sep 14, 2018

As organizations digitally transform their business and migrate to the cloud, training and end user preparedness is often a prime concern. Many organizations moving to Office 365 take advantage of the Brainstorm offering around ready to content because of it’s premium quality training and flexibility in delivery to end users.

In this Michael on the Go I talk with Brainstorm’s Casey Trujillo. Casey addresses HLS customer needs around creating a single point of access for corporate end-users to access a combination of pre-prepared content by Brainstorm as well as internal custom content. Such a single point can even contain other pre-prepared content such as the upcoming Microsoft Learning Services or other content.  

To learn more about Brainstorm you can visit there site here.

Also, take a look at Brainstorm’s Quick Start Video Cards for Office 365 here.

Updated Jul 12, 2019
Version 2.0
  • Ivor Davies's avatar
    Ivor Davies
    Copper Contributor

    BrainStorm Inc. is a great company with AWESOME End User Training & Adoption tools

  • Ivor Davies Totally agree! They are doing some fantastic work in providing great, turn key, training to corporate users. I really love also how they provide flexibility in how Enterprises today want to have their users consume the content and aggregate it with their own custom content as well as from other entities like Microsoft.