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FSLogix 2201 hotfix 2 (2.9.8228.50276) has been released!

Gonzalo_Reyna's avatar
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Jul 21, 2022

Hello FSLogix nation,

We got some exciting news today from Jason_Parker about the release of FSLogix 2201 hotfix 2.

FSLogix Release Notes - FSLogix | Microsoft Docs



This update for FSLogix 2201 includes fixes to multi-session VHD mounting, Cloud Cache meta tracking files, and registry cleanup operations.



  • Resolved an issue that would cause a system crash while reading from meta tracking files in a Cloud Cache configuration.
  • Resolved an issue where a logon would succeed even if when the disk failed to attach. Most commonly occurs in multi-session environments.
  • Resolved an issue during profile cleanup where user registry hives would be removed regardless of the FSLogix local group exclusions.


File Information

Download the following package and follow the installation instructions

Updated Jul 21, 2022
Version 1.0
  • Mike_Zirbes's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    I too am seeing similar issues. More similar to KevinDeSchrijver 's post. Seems to happen if users logout and try to get back in too soon. also, seems to happen if their Citrix session is disconnected\idle (lunch break) and they try to login again.


    We are using cloud cache and thought it might be an issue with the writing of the VHDX back to the Windows file servers. Perhaps the network link was saturated. It is not, we have a 5Gbps link to AWS and 10Gps to the server on-prem. Sesison hosts are all on-prem.


    Tried the 2210 Preview build (desperate for a fix) and we encountered Logon issues rather than Logging Off issues. 


    I'm watching for more information.

  • After upgrading to this version of Fslogix wsearch keeps locking users. User remains in logging off status and "cannot" be logged off traditionally. Only solution is to force-close all processes under the useraccount and closing the handle on the Azure File for the VHD. Once the deadlock occurs, all users on the server will get stuck signing off when attempting to do so untill server reboot. 



    Windows 2016 Session Host fully up to date

    FSLogics pointing to an Azure File share for the VHD's and RoamSearch enabled

    Classic load balancing/session broker solution with 5 servers all experiencing the issue seemingly random.

    Disabling the wsearch service on the machines "fixes" the issue.



    Edit: The user session no longer deadlock after the wsearch change but we are seeing sessions disconnecting due to their VHD being detaching. Or their VHD detaching as a result of the bug. When disconnected users can no longer reconnect to that session. Has to be closed and then the user can log on fine again. No trace in the FSLogix Profile/Network/Service logs of any deconnections or attempts to reconnect. Tempted to open up a case with the Microsoft Azure team if it's on the side of the Azure File Share, FSlogics or a Windows Server 2006 issue


    2nd Edit: Case opened with MS and the issue is indeed the VHD files that are being detached. May not be a true FSlogix issue but only a secondary effect. Will keep the post active for the time being and keep you posted on what the actual cause was.

  • trixsta's avatar
    Copper Contributor



    Still having issue with the latest version. We only have this issue with our testing of onedrive redirection. Look to deploy onedrive on our VDA but this is a major road block.


    Citrix 1912 VDA

    Server 2019



    If a user logs out and then to quickly  back in they receive the below error.

    The group policy client service failed the sign in   Access is denied

    Only solution found is to delete the profile and office container.


    anyone else with this issue or resolved it?