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Storage at Microsoft

SMB Compression in Windows Server 2022 and Windows Insider

NedPyle's avatar
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Jun 24, 2021

Heya folks, Ned here again. Today I announced the new SMB compression feature for Windows Server 2022 and Windows Insider at the Windows Server 2022, Best on Azure webinar. A proper article is now up on SMB compression at


SMB compression allows an administrator, user, or application to request compression of files as they transfer over the network. This removes the need to first manually deflate a file with an application, copy it, then inflate on the destination computer. Compressed files will consume less network bandwidth and take less time to transfer, at the cost of slightly increased CPU usage during transfers. SMB compression is most effective on networks with less bandwidth, such as a client's 1Gbs ethernet or or Wi-Fi network; a file transfer over an uncongested 100Gbs ethernet network between two servers with flash storage may be just as fast without SMB compression in practice, but will still create less congestion for other applications.


Here's SMB compression in action!



You can try this out right now, get 


For more details, head over to the main article on 


- Ned "smoosh it" Pyle 

Updated Nov 07, 2022
Version 4.0