Workspace overbooking
I have the problem, that workspace rooms set to capacy 6 can be booked by more than 6 persons and the room still accepts the booking requests.
For example: The room is booked by four people. So there should be still two places available. The next one booking the room gets an accept mail that tells "capacity 6, available 5, persons for this request 1, remaining 5.
The result out of that is, that at the end of the day the room with capacy 6 is booked by 7 people and still accept more bookings.
We book the room directly out of the outlook address book. Do I have to use the Roomfinder to select the Workspace, or can I just select it out of the Outlook address book or roomlist?
The problem is, that repeating meetings are not recognized as a booking. So if the capacity of the room is 6 and you book the room daily by repeating meetings, the slot will not be used. So if someone else books the room with a single booking, the room replys, that all spaces are still free.
So the solution is: Only book single full day meetings. This is really annoying, because if someone uses the room every day, he/she has to book the room five times a week, one booking each day. But then it works fine. The capacity is counted correctly and if the room is full 6/6, then it is shown as full in the roomlist.