We have been experiencing this issue at about a 35% hands-on required rate for the last month. Profile repair has not resolved the issue for any instance thus far, however we can confirm that profile rebuilds resolve the issue about 90% of the time. Occasionally we have had to remove Outlook from Office 2013 and add it back, reboot and then everything works fine. I hadn't bothered to escalate the issue as we were able to work through it.
That being said, I am compelled to mention that we are also seeing anomalies with shared mailboxes moving to Exchange 2013. Is there a documented requirement that users and any shared mailboxes they have access to be migrated at the same time. Both issues appear to be related at this time for us. I have seen this question asked in the Office forums but haven't seen and answer as of yet:
http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/office/en-US/fcb09527-3e88-4e71-9607-a11cb3f21913/outlook-does-not-update-connection-for-shared-mailboxes-after-migration?forum=outlookCan the details of the bug be elaborated upon while we wait for the fix?